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Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power…
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Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead (edizione 1996)

di Michael Gelb (Autore)

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Michael J. Gelb is the world's leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development. He shows you how to rethink the way you think by helping you discover your natural ability to create, communicate, and lead in every area of your life-from designing a dinner party to mapping out your life goals, from running a more effective business meeting to improving memory and increasing your creative power. Thinking for a Change unveils fresh strategies for thriving on change and increasing productivity through synvergent thinking, the art of balancing logic and imagination, reason and intuition. It is a way of seeing the whole picture by integrating the larger elements and the details. It is the ability to entertain multiple pairs of seemingly opposite ideas simultaneously. Thinking for a Change also teaches readers how to facilitate the mind's ability to link disparate ideas. This process of association is the basis for the skill of mind mapping, a method-originated by British psychologist Tony Buzan-that improves the organization of ideas and encourages synvergent thinking. Based on a practical understanding of the structure and design of the human brain, and research into the thinking patterns of history's great achievers such as Darwin, Edison, and Leonardo da Vinci, mind mapping unleashes your ability to generate new ideas quickly and organize them effectively. In today's global marketplace everyone from retailers and restaurateurs to computer consultants and communications companies are restructuring, reengineering, and reinventing themselves. In a world of accelerating change, individuals and organizations can no longer afford to approach information-age problems and opportunities with industrial-age thinking skills. A more fulfilling life, a stronger organization, a saner society-they all start with your thinking, your actions, and your courage. So it's time to begin Thinking for a Change.… (altro)
Titolo:Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead
Autori:Michael Gelb (Autore)
Info:Aurum Press (1996), 288 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Lista dei desideri, Da leggere, Preferiti

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Thinking For A Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead di Michael J. Gelb

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I don't know if I believe his rhetoric, but it has some comprehensive tips on mind mapping which I check once in a while. ( )
  yarkan | Jul 18, 2011 |
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Michael J. Gelb is the world's leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development. He shows you how to rethink the way you think by helping you discover your natural ability to create, communicate, and lead in every area of your life-from designing a dinner party to mapping out your life goals, from running a more effective business meeting to improving memory and increasing your creative power. Thinking for a Change unveils fresh strategies for thriving on change and increasing productivity through synvergent thinking, the art of balancing logic and imagination, reason and intuition. It is a way of seeing the whole picture by integrating the larger elements and the details. It is the ability to entertain multiple pairs of seemingly opposite ideas simultaneously. Thinking for a Change also teaches readers how to facilitate the mind's ability to link disparate ideas. This process of association is the basis for the skill of mind mapping, a method-originated by British psychologist Tony Buzan-that improves the organization of ideas and encourages synvergent thinking. Based on a practical understanding of the structure and design of the human brain, and research into the thinking patterns of history's great achievers such as Darwin, Edison, and Leonardo da Vinci, mind mapping unleashes your ability to generate new ideas quickly and organize them effectively. In today's global marketplace everyone from retailers and restaurateurs to computer consultants and communications companies are restructuring, reengineering, and reinventing themselves. In a world of accelerating change, individuals and organizations can no longer afford to approach information-age problems and opportunities with industrial-age thinking skills. A more fulfilling life, a stronger organization, a saner society-they all start with your thinking, your actions, and your courage. So it's time to begin Thinking for a Change.

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