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Weep No More, My Lady di Mary Higgins Clark
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Weep No More, My Lady (originale 1987; edizione 1998)

di Mary Higgins Clark

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1,876139,332 (3.54)8
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. HTML:New York Times bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark's suspenseful masterpiece is a "crackling tale of menace and love that holds your attention to the last page" (Andrew M. Greeley).
Elizabeth Lange has arrived at Cypress Point Spa in Pebble Beach, California, weary of heart and soul. Still grieving for her beloved sister, a famous actress who plunged to her death from her Manhattan penthouse, Elizabeth is determined to unearth the truth about how Leila died.

Dashing multimillionaire Ted Winters stands accused of her murder, but Elizabeth has doubts. Along the windswept cliffs of the Monterey coast, in luxurious bungalows, between gourmet meals and beachfront walks, uneasiness stalks Elizabeth while she begins opening doors to the past.

As glimpses of the dark truth about Leila's life and death—and about Elizabeth herself—start to crash against her mind, an ominous wave from an unexpected source threatens to engulf her entirely.
… (altro)
Titolo:Weep No More, My Lady
Autori:Mary Higgins Clark
Info:Pocket (1998), Mass Market Paperback, 336 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Weep No More, My Lady di Mary Higgins Clark (1987)

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1-5 di 13 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Murder and mystery in a posh seaside spa! This thrilling and suspenseful tale was filled with fascinating characters who perfectly carried plausible plot twists to a happy ending. The setting, an upscale beauty and health spa on the lovely secluded coast of Carmel, lent this book a gothic feel. The rich and famous clients gave it a Hollywood feel. Well-written and entertaining, this book was a delicious mix of Jackie Collins and Nora Roberts. ( )
  PaulaGalvan | May 8, 2024 |
I found this little gem at a used bookstore. Written in 1987, it's one of Mary Higgins Clark's older novels. It wasn't one of my favorite Clark novels. However, it was still a good read. The characters were diverse and interesting enough. The plot was intriguing and offered some turns and twists throughout. There were enough hints given, that it was easy enough to figure out who the murderer was. Just a clean, offensive-free story that we all need sometimes. If you are a fan of Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie, this older novel might be something that you will enjoy. ( )
  AndreaHelena | Dec 29, 2023 |
This was Mom's book; she had several by Mary Higgins Clark. I'd read one a long time ago and it wasn't my style. Decided to give it another try while cataloging Mom's books and it was OK. Still not my style, so don't consider my lackluster opinion a strong mark against it.

A quick read, moderately interesting plot. The main characters didn't appeal to me. (The hero is rich and handsome. Yawn.) If you're looking for something light and entertaining this might fit the bill. ( )
  Karen5Lund | Dec 7, 2023 |
A quick and easy read. Probably the best one I’ve read by her so far. ( )
  MrMet | Apr 28, 2023 |
This author knows how to write mystery stories strictly about the characters and not about sexual scenes. Even though I read this book 20 yrs ago, it still held my interest. Remembering some of the ending caused me to enjoy the personalities of the spa owners and the lottery winning visitor, Alvirah. I like how so many people are part of the mystery while adding to the story line. ( )
  kshydog | Dec 13, 2020 |
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Kangas, HannaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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For my grandchildren...
Elizabeth Higgins Clark
Andrew Warren Clark
the two "Dirdrews"
With love, amusement and delight.
Ai miei nipotini...
Elizabeth Higgins Clark
Andrew Warren Clark.
Con affetto, gioia e simpatia.
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. HTML:New York Times bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark's suspenseful masterpiece is a "crackling tale of menace and love that holds your attention to the last page" (Andrew M. Greeley).
Elizabeth Lange has arrived at Cypress Point Spa in Pebble Beach, California, weary of heart and soul. Still grieving for her beloved sister, a famous actress who plunged to her death from her Manhattan penthouse, Elizabeth is determined to unearth the truth about how Leila died.

Dashing multimillionaire Ted Winters stands accused of her murder, but Elizabeth has doubts. Along the windswept cliffs of the Monterey coast, in luxurious bungalows, between gourmet meals and beachfront walks, uneasiness stalks Elizabeth while she begins opening doors to the past.

As glimpses of the dark truth about Leila's life and death—and about Elizabeth herself—start to crash against her mind, an ominous wave from an unexpected source threatens to engulf her entirely.

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Descrizione del libro
Ossessionata dalla tragica fine della sorella Leila, morta in circostanze misteriose, Elizabeth raggiunge le lussuose terre di Cypress Point, proprietà di un'amica. In cerca di pace, si trova invece circondata da persone che conoscevano Leila e avevano tutte un valido motivo per ucciderla. La scoperta la sconvolge e quando l'elenco delle vittime si allunga comincia a sospettare che l'assassino si trovi proprio in mezzo agli ospiti, pronto a eliminare anche lei pur di non essere smascherato. Un giallo di classe, carico di suspense.
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Media: (3.54)
0.5 1
1 3
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3.5 7
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4.5 5
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