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Raymond and Graham Rule the School di Mike…
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Raymond and Graham Rule the School (edizione 2009)

di Mike Knudson, Steve Wilkinson, Stacy Curtis (Illustratore)

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Best friends Raymond and Graham have looked forward to being the "oldest, coolest, toughest" boys at East Millcreek Elementary School, but from the start of fourth grade everything goes wrong, from getting the scary teacher to not getting the lead in the school play.
Titolo:Raymond and Graham Rule the School
Autori:Mike Knudson
Altri autori:Steve Wilkinson, Stacy Curtis (Illustratore)
Info:Puffin (2009), Edition: Reprint, Paperback, 144 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Raymond and Graham Rule the School di Mike Knudson

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This book is about two forth-graders called Ramond and Graham, trying to rule the school. They think it will be the best year ever, but it turns out it's the opposite of that. Try to read the book without laughing. You'll never be able to do that. ( )
  darwonk | Feb 4, 2011 |
Raymond and Graham been waiting for this year since first grade: the year they are fourth graders, the year they get to rule the school! Unfortunately, they get in all kinds of trouble: they get the worst and meanest teacher, Graham shaves his eyebrow off, and even Raymond will be humiliated by a school performance! Can they survive this year? Or, will this year be the WORST year ever? ( )
  adamjohn | Dec 14, 2010 |
Raymond and Graham are actually looking forward to going back to school after summer break because this year, as fourth graders, they will "rule" the school. But despite their plans to look like big men on campus, events happen along the way that make them look more like big fools. They are a fun pair and their mishaps are quite hilarious. (book 1 in series)
  scducharme | Jul 2, 2009 |
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Best friends Raymond and Graham have looked forward to being the "oldest, coolest, toughest" boys at East Millcreek Elementary School, but from the start of fourth grade everything goes wrong, from getting the scary teacher to not getting the lead in the school play.

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