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A darkness forged in fire di Chris Evans
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A darkness forged in fire (edizione 2008)

di Chris Evans

Serie: The Iron Elves (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
5762143,194 (3.43)19
Konowa Swift Dragon, former commander of the Empire's elite Iron Elves, is looked upon as anything but ordinary. He's murdered a Viceroy, been court-martialed, seen his beloved regiment disbanded, and finally been banished in disgrace to the one place he despises the most -- the forest. Now, all he wants is to be left alone with his misery...but for Konowa, nothing is ever that simple. The mysterious and alluring Visyna Tekoy, the highborn daughter of an elfkynan governor, seeks him out in the dangerous wild with a royal decree that he resume his commission as an officer in Her Majesty's Imperial Army, effective immediately. His assignment: reach the Red Star (a star heralding the return of a magic long vanished from the Earth) before the dreaded Shadow Monarch, a legendary elf-witch.--From publisher description.… (altro)
Titolo:A darkness forged in fire
Autori:Chris Evans
Info:New York : Pocket Books, 2008.
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:fantasy, fiction

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A Darkness Forged in Fire di Chris Evans

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» Vedi le 19 citazioni

This is a whole different kind of fantasy. Takes a lot of the Tolkein archetypes and throws them out the window. I can see where some people are never going to be able to get past that. For me, I like different. It wasn't perfect but I enjoyed it a lot. Some great characters who I can't wait to see what happens to them next. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
I wasn't interested enough to keep reading this book and can't recall what it was specifically that turned me off from the story or writing. *donated*
  The_Literary_Jedi | Aug 18, 2021 |
My wife found this book for me in the library, and though I borrowed it, I didnt' think I was going to like it, at first. I like my elves as per Tolkien generally speaking, but once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. The characters and conflicts are so very compelling, even the ones you want to slap up-side the head for the way they behave, and there are one or two in the book that are that way - that you either love or hate.

The writing is descriptive without being overly heavy handed, the plot is full of interesting twists on the usual, and the antagonist and minions of the story are just the right level of evil that you really grow to despise them.

I will certainly be following this series. ( )
  cedargrove | Jun 24, 2017 |
Across the Sea, there is some evil witch elf who wants to cover the world in darkness, or some such. A group of elves have been marked by her, with one ear being turned black. Such elves are called the Iron Elves and cast out from elven society. They became a group of fighters in the human empire. They were disbanded for disloyalty, before the book begins.

This book deals with the reforming of the Iron Elves, only without any of the original elves except for the Captain, who is an elf who hates nature and who nature seems to hate in return. The New Iron Elves have to fight some battle and in the end realize that they have carried out the will of the Witch Elf and everyone is all sad. ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
I continue to have bad luck with the books I pick up. This is yet another badly written piece of crap. ( )
  kenzen | Feb 23, 2015 |
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Picacio, JohnImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Konowa Swift Dragon, former commander of the Empire's elite Iron Elves, is looked upon as anything but ordinary. He's murdered a Viceroy, been court-martialed, seen his beloved regiment disbanded, and finally been banished in disgrace to the one place he despises the most -- the forest. Now, all he wants is to be left alone with his misery...but for Konowa, nothing is ever that simple. The mysterious and alluring Visyna Tekoy, the highborn daughter of an elfkynan governor, seeks him out in the dangerous wild with a royal decree that he resume his commission as an officer in Her Majesty's Imperial Army, effective immediately. His assignment: reach the Red Star (a star heralding the return of a magic long vanished from the Earth) before the dreaded Shadow Monarch, a legendary elf-witch.--From publisher description.

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Media: (3.43)
1 6
1.5 1
2 5
2.5 3
3 29
3.5 5
4 35
4.5 1
5 11

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