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Rebel: Novel of the Civil War, A (The…
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Rebel: Novel of the Civil War, A (The Nathaniel Starbuck Chronicles Book 1) (originale 1993; edizione 2009)

di Bernard Cornwell (Autore)

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9341623,198 (3.57)25
When Richmond landowner Washington Faulconer snatches young Nate Starbuck from the grip of a Yankee-hating mob, Nate is both grateful and awed by his idealistic rescuer. To repay his generosity, he enlists in the Faulconer legion to fight against his home, the North, and against his abolitionist father. When the regiment joins up, ready to march into the ferocious battle at Buff Run, the men are prepared to start a war . . . but they aren't ready for how they-and the nation-will be forever changed by the oaths they have sworn for their beloved South.… (altro)
Titolo:Rebel: Novel of the Civil War, A (The Nathaniel Starbuck Chronicles Book 1)
Autori:Bernard Cornwell (Autore)
Info:HarperCollins e-books (2009), Edition: Reprint, 418 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Letti ma non posseduti

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Rebel di Bernard Cornwell (1993)

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» Vedi le 25 citazioni

An engaging story about a fictional county's legion in the Confederacy and how one man came to rebel against the country and family he grew up with. ( )
  hofo | Dec 7, 2022 |
It's not very me but I found this easy to read. I was surprised when I finished it, the end sneaked up on me. I also noticed the accent of the audiobook reader didn't grate on my ears as much as most US readers do. Interesting. ( )
  lydiasbooks | Jan 18, 2018 |
Finished Rebel by Bernard Cornwell which is set in the early days of the American Civil War. This book had quite a slow start and took a bit of getting into, but I enjoyed the book more as it went on. It culminates in the Battle at Manassas/Bull Run on 21st July 1861. I will be continuing with the series, especially as I own all four books in the series. ( )
  Andrew-theQM | Jun 20, 2016 |
I was very disappointed with this book and failed to read more than a quarter of it. I love the Sharpe novels, but 'Rebel' felt formulaic and predictable. Too many cliches. The instant problem with any Southern characters during the American Civil War is that to appeal to modern readers, all the good guys have to be anti-slavery. Hence, one is a Northerner trapped in the South, one is a rich man who decided to free all his slaves and one is a poor Southerner who clearly respects his negro neighbour. ( )
  JudithProctor | Feb 4, 2016 |
While not quite the caliber of Cornwell's Warlord Trilogy, this first installment of his Civil War series is entertaining. Nate Starbuck has characteristics similar to much of Cornwell's heroes, although his fellow war fighters are a bit more morally ambiguous than normal. ( )
  bdtrump | May 9, 2015 |
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When Richmond landowner Washington Faulconer snatches young Nate Starbuck from the grip of a Yankee-hating mob, Nate is both grateful and awed by his idealistic rescuer. To repay his generosity, he enlists in the Faulconer legion to fight against his home, the North, and against his abolitionist father. When the regiment joins up, ready to march into the ferocious battle at Buff Run, the men are prepared to start a war . . . but they aren't ready for how they-and the nation-will be forever changed by the oaths they have sworn for their beloved South.

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