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The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works…
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The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works (Penguin Classics) (originale 1926; edizione 2007)

di Thomas Nashe (Autore), Edmund Gosse (Introduzione)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
431360,416 (3.41)35
Written in the late sixteenth century, at the pinnacle of the English Renaissance, the rich and ingenious works of Thomas Nashe uniquely reveal the ambivant nature of the Elizabethan era. Mingling the devout and the bawdy, scholarship and slang, they express throughout an irrepressible, inexhaustible wit and an astonishing command of language. This collection of Nashe's finest works includes The Unfortunate Traveller, the sharp and grotesque tale of Jack Wilton, an Englishman travelling through Europe; Pierce Penniless, a biting satire on the society of his age; Terrors of the Night; Lenten Stuff; the sensual poem The Choice of Valentines; and extracts from Christ's Tears over Jerusalem and other works. Wide-ranging in subject, all capture the unique voice and fantastic ingenuity of one of the most entertaining Elizabethan writers - a man regarded by his contemporaries as the 'English Juvenal'.… (altro)
Titolo:The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works (Penguin Classics)
Autori:Thomas Nashe (Autore)
Altri autori:Edmund Gosse (Introduzione)
Info:Project Gutenberg, #21338, 2007, updated February 6, 2013
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Da leggere, 1001 Books, eBook
Etichette:fiction, ebook, Project Gutenberg, 1001 books

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The Unfortunate Traveller and Other Works di Thomas Nashe (1926)

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» Vedi le 35 citazioni

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Read this a long time ago, on my nook. It is a story of Jack Wilton and it is called a picaresque style novel. Its like an adventure story. A bit too long in my opinion. ( )
  Kristelh | Sep 15, 2020 |
A bit taimer than usual, but still fun ( )
  t29 | Feb 12, 2018 |
How can you not love a book with sentences like these?

"What stratagemicall actes and monuments do you thinke an ingenious infant of my age might enact? you will saie, it were sufficient if he slurre a die, pawne his master to the vtmost pennie, & minister the oath on the pantoffle arteficially."

"There was a Lord in the campe, let him be a Lord of misrule, if you wil, for he kept a plaine alehouse without welt or gard of anie Iuibush, and solde syder and cheese by pint and by pound to all that came (at that verie name of syder, I can but sigh, there is so much of it in renish wine now a dayes)."

"Very deuout asses they were, for all they were so dunstically set forth, & such as thought they knew as much of Gods minde as richer men, why inspiration was their ordinarie familiar, and buzde in theyr eares like a Bee in a boxe euerie houre what newes from heauen, hell, and the lands of whipperginnie, displease them who durst, hee shoulde have his mittimus to damnation ex tempore, they woulde vaunt there was not a pease difference twixt them and the Apostles, ..."

Check it out at ( )
2 vota bertilak | May 25, 2007 |
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Nashe, Thomasautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Steane, J. B.A cura diautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Written in the late sixteenth century, at the pinnacle of the English Renaissance, the rich and ingenious works of Thomas Nashe uniquely reveal the ambivant nature of the Elizabethan era. Mingling the devout and the bawdy, scholarship and slang, they express throughout an irrepressible, inexhaustible wit and an astonishing command of language. This collection of Nashe's finest works includes The Unfortunate Traveller, the sharp and grotesque tale of Jack Wilton, an Englishman travelling through Europe; Pierce Penniless, a biting satire on the society of his age; Terrors of the Night; Lenten Stuff; the sensual poem The Choice of Valentines; and extracts from Christ's Tears over Jerusalem and other works. Wide-ranging in subject, all capture the unique voice and fantastic ingenuity of one of the most entertaining Elizabethan writers - a man regarded by his contemporaries as the 'English Juvenal'.

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