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The Street of a Thousand Blossoms: A Novel…
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The Street of a Thousand Blossoms: A Novel (originale 2007; edizione 2007)

di Gail Tsukiyama (Autore)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
9722922,441 (3.89)63
It is Tokyo in 1939. On the Street of a Thousand Blossoms, two orphaned brothers dream of a future firmly rooted in tradition. The older boy, Hiroshi, shows early signs of promise at the national obsession of sumo wrestling, while Kenji is fascinated by the art of Noh theater masks. But as the ripples of war spread to their quiet neighborhood, the brothers must put their dreams on hold and forge their own paths in a new Japan. Meanwhile, the two young daughters of a renowned sumo master find their lives increasingly intertwined with the fortunes of their father's star pupil, Hiroshi.… (altro)
Titolo:The Street of a Thousand Blossoms: A Novel
Autori:Gail Tsukiyama (Autore)
Info:St. Martin's Press (2007), Edition: First, 454 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Street of a Thousand Blossoms di Gail Tsukiyama (2007)

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» Vedi le 63 citazioni

Wonderfully literate and full of Japanese culture and history. I'll be reading her other books. ( )
  kwskultety | Jul 4, 2023 |
A Japanese-POV, teenage romance history of horror and recovery with some chaste babymaking and a kiss or two, but they were long after the bombs and firestorms over Tokyo. A tour of tradition with sumo stables and noh masks, a trainride to the mountains and Nara, hunger during the War, and everyone being better than anyone should. OK, a couple of bad guys but not many.

An orange soda of a book. Sweet and easy to sip at on a hot day. But not filling.

BTW even though Michael Chabon blurbed the book, it has no flashy writing. It plods on cliche after cliche, and never gallops, rears up, or takes a bad turn. ( )
  kerns222 | Aug 24, 2016 |
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms – Gail Tsukiyama
4 stars
The orphaned brothers, Hiroshi and Kenji, are being raised in a traditional Japanese household by their grandparents. Their story begins in 1939 and continues through the war and its aftermath. Considerably different in appearance and temperament, the brother’s choose traditional careers during the years of Japan’s greatest upheaval. Hiroshi becomes a famous Sumo wrestler while Kenji becomes a master craftsman of Noh masks. The story follows their family through tragedies and triumphs that parallel the reconstruction of postwar Japan.

The book begins in 1966 as Hiroshi is retiring from a victorious sumo career. Although the rest of the story is told in present tense there is a sense of distance and nostalgia throughout. Events progress fairly rapidly through the decades. Sometimes, I felt I wanted a bit more detail. Tsukiyama tends to depict a climatic event, such as a bombing, an accident or a death, and then shift scenes fairly quickly to show how the character has been affected by the event years later.

I found this book very hard to put down. All of the characters felt authentic. They had a completely universal familiarity of people who suffer and survive the hard times. Like,The Book Thief, this book shows how common citizens suffer in a country controlled by on oppressive, militaristic government. The dual careers of Sumo and Noh Theater were perfect to convey the atmosphere of Japan during the 1950’s as the country began to recover its pride and identity.
( )
  msjudy | May 30, 2016 |
This is the story of two brothers, Kenji and Hiroshi, who have been raised by their grandparents after their parents died. The story spans nearly thirty years and includes quite a large cast of characters, including the men's loves, their grandparents, their work role models. There is a lot to be learned about Japan during and after WWII and about sumo wrestling. I would give this a 3.5 if it were possible and wish I had liked it more but there were so many characters that the book had to run quite long to flesh them all out but it was hard to really attach to any of them. ( )
  mamashepp | Mar 29, 2016 |
This is the story of two brothers, Kenji and Hiroshi, who have been raised by their grandparents after their parents died. The story spans nearly thirty years and includes quite a large cast of characters, including the men's loves, their grandparents, their work role models. There is a lot to be learned about Japan during and after WWII and about sumo wrestling. I would give this a 3.5 if it were possible and wish I had liked it more but there were so many characters that the book had to run quite long to flesh them all out but it was hard to really attach to any of them. ( )
  mamashepp | Mar 29, 2016 |
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It is Tokyo in 1939. On the Street of a Thousand Blossoms, two orphaned brothers dream of a future firmly rooted in tradition. The older boy, Hiroshi, shows early signs of promise at the national obsession of sumo wrestling, while Kenji is fascinated by the art of Noh theater masks. But as the ripples of war spread to their quiet neighborhood, the brothers must put their dreams on hold and forge their own paths in a new Japan. Meanwhile, the two young daughters of a renowned sumo master find their lives increasingly intertwined with the fortunes of their father's star pupil, Hiroshi.

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Media: (3.89)
1 3
1.5 1
2 12
2.5 3
3 35
3.5 12
4 81
4.5 16
5 50

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