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Vleugelslag di Wally Lamb
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Vleugelslag (originale 2008; edizione 2009)

di Wally Lamb, Inge de Heer, Johannes Jonkers

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3,8461713,351 (3.79)187
Relocating to a family farm in Connecticut after surviving the Columbine school shootings, Caelum and Maureen discover a cache of family memorabilia dating back five generations, which reveals to Caelum unexpected truths about painful past events.
Autori:Wally Lamb
Altri autori:Inge de Heer, Johannes Jonkers
Info:[Amsterdam] : Mouria; 687 p, 23 cm;
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Columbine, verlies, schuldgevoelens, geweld

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The Hour I First Believed di Wally Lamb (2008)

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» Vedi le 187 citazioni

Inglese (168)  Francese (2)  Tedesco (1)  Tutte le lingue (171)
1-5 di 171 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
This was my first Wally Lamb - I'm glad that I finally took the plunge.

This particular book was all over the place from The shootings at Columbine to a farm in New England to a time shift to a Civil War nursing home. It doesn't seem like it should make any sense but in the end it all comes together.

Some of the story dragged for me - especially the longer passages about Lizzie Popper - but overall it was a book I wanted to keep reading despite its flaws.

I suppose it's a testament to Lamb that despite a bunch of unlikeable characters and some boring sections I really couldn't stop thinking about this book when I wasn't reading it. I needed to find out what happened to all of them. ( )
1 vota hmonkeyreads | Jan 25, 2024 |
Did anyone else notice? That Wally Lamb spent ten years re-writing his last book? Except now everyone talks like this? ( )
  myshkin77 | Aug 10, 2023 |
Weighing in at 750 pages, I knew this book would have a Dickensian quality to it, with subplots emerging as the tale progressed. The main story is painful and wonderfully done. Once Lamb begins to commingle the main character's ancestry with the story, however, the book begins to meander from taut to sprawling.

For an epic that tries to weave the Columbine shootings, Hurricane Katrina, Civil War times, and generations of family history into one tale, I'd give Lamb an "A" for effort, and perhaps a "B" for execution.

As I told my wife, "You'd love the journey back to the secrets of his family's past, but hate the current day Columbine stuff". I was just the opposite - more interested in the aftermath of today's tragedies than unearthed familial history from generations before. So, on one hand, there's something for everyone; on the other, you might feel you're reading more stories than you bargained for.

Lamb, though, is a terrific writer, and I felt as swept away by his narrative and characters as I have by my favorite current writer, TC Boyle. So, I do recommend this book - just prepare yourself for Lamb's desire to throw every historical moment since slavery into the tale at some point. ( )
1 vota TommyHousworth | Feb 5, 2022 |
This is a hauntingly beautiful story: tragic, but hopeful. I appreciated the far-reaching narrative and was hooked by the rich and fallible characters. ( )
  mbellucci | Apr 10, 2021 |
I didn't like the main character, and the story was all over the place. It incorporated random events such as the Columbine shootings, mythology, various war/s, racism, drug abuse, hurricane Katrina, prison reform to name a few. Yet somehow I couldn't stop reading because I was interested to find out what happened next. I suspect that this is one of those books I will think about now and again for years to come. Well played. ( )
  curious_squid | Apr 5, 2021 |
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And so, they moved over the dark waves, and even before they disembarked, new hordes gathered there. — Dante's Inferno, canto 3, lines 118-120
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For Anna —

A series of debilitating strokes and the onset of dementia necessitated the agonizing conversation I had with my mother in the winter of 1997. When I told her she'd be moving to a nearby nursing home, she shook her head and, atypically, began to cry. Tears were a rarity for my stoic Sicilian-American mother. The next day, she offered me a deal. "Okay, I'll go," she said. "But my refrigerator comes with me." I couldn't meet her demand, but I understood it.

Ma's refrigerator defined her. The freezer was stockpiled with half-gallons of ice cream for the grandkids, and I do mean stockpiled; you opened that freezer compartment at your peril, hoping those dozen or so rock-hard bricks, precariously stacked, wouldn't tumble forth and give you a concussion. The bottom half of Ma's "icebox" was a gleaming tribute to aluminum--enough foil-wrapped Italian food to feed, should we all show up unexpectedly at once, her own family and the extended families of her ten siblings. But it was the outside of Ma's fridge that best spoke of who she was. The front and sides were papered with greeting cards, holy pictures, and photos, old and new, curling and faded, of all the people she knew and loved. Children were disproportionately represented in her refrigerator photo gallery. She adored kids—her own and everyone else's. My mother was a woman of strong faith, quiet resolve, and easy and frequent laughter.

This story's been a hard one to write, Ma, and it got harder after you left us. But I had the title from the very beginning, and when I reached the end, I realized I'd written it for you.

(P.S. Sorry about all those four-letter words, Ma. That's the characters speaking. Not me.)
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They were both working their final shift at Blackjack Pizza that night, although nobody but the two of them realized it was that.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Relocating to a family farm in Connecticut after surviving the Columbine school shootings, Caelum and Maureen discover a cache of family memorabilia dating back five generations, which reveals to Caelum unexpected truths about painful past events.

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Media: (3.79)
0.5 3
1 24
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2 77
2.5 18
3 214
3.5 66
4 381
4.5 58
5 255

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