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So What: The Definitive Guide to the Only Business Questions that Matter

di Kevin Duncan

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So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through thenoise and nonsense of work. Much of what we learn in our formativeyears is unlearnt in later life. As grown-ups we are often unableto answer the simplest of questions in a clear, direct way, andfrequently have no idea why we are doing something. This can leadto crippling inefficiency in business, and goes some way toexplaining why so many people spend so much time doing things thathave no bearing on the true purpose. by behaving in a genuinely inquisitive way, you can get right tothe heart of the matter and save yourself hours, days, and evenmonths of anguish. The questions So what?, Why?, How?, and When'can be hugely effective when applied in the right context, and thisbook shows you how to use them. Once all the right questions have been posed, there is a finalsure-fire method for testing whether something is relevant andhelpful. By completing the sentence "Something must be wrongif...", it is simple to work out if you are wasting your time. Forexample, "Something must be wrong if I don't want to go to work inthe morning." So What? shows you how to become truly inquisitive again. So letthe questions roll. Pay attention to what the answers are. Learnfrom them, and you will immediately improve your prospects offinally getting somewhere in life.… (altro)
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So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through thenoise and nonsense of work. Much of what we learn in our formativeyears is unlearnt in later life. As grown-ups we are often unableto answer the simplest of questions in a clear, direct way, andfrequently have no idea why we are doing something. This can leadto crippling inefficiency in business, and goes some way toexplaining why so many people spend so much time doing things thathave no bearing on the true purpose. by behaving in a genuinely inquisitive way, you can get right tothe heart of the matter and save yourself hours, days, and evenmonths of anguish. The questions So what?, Why?, How?, and When'can be hugely effective when applied in the right context, and thisbook shows you how to use them. Once all the right questions have been posed, there is a finalsure-fire method for testing whether something is relevant andhelpful. By completing the sentence "Something must be wrongif...", it is simple to work out if you are wasting your time. Forexample, "Something must be wrong if I don't want to go to work inthe morning." So What? shows you how to become truly inquisitive again. So letthe questions roll. Pay attention to what the answers are. Learnfrom them, and you will immediately improve your prospects offinally getting somewhere in life.

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