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2-at-a-Time Socks: Revealed Inside. . . The…
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2-at-a-Time Socks: Revealed Inside. . . The Secret of Knitting Two at Once on One Circular Needle Works for any Sock Pattern! (originale 2007; edizione 2007)

di Melissa Morgan-Oakes

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Knitting one sock is fun and rewarding, but finishing its partner can become a chore that leaves well-intentioned knitters suffering from "second sock syndrome." With this two-at-a-time technique you can easily finish a full pair of socks on the same day. Step-by-step photographs illustrate how to cast on and knit two socks together on one long circular needle, whatever the pattern or shape. Lonely, abandoned single socks are now a thing of the past!… (altro)
Titolo:2-at-a-Time Socks: Revealed Inside. . . The Secret of Knitting Two at Once on One Circular Needle Works for any Sock Pattern!
Autori:Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Info:Storey Publishing, LLC (2007), Spiral-bound, 143 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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2-at-a-Time Socks: Revealed Inside. . . The Secret of Knitting Two at Once on One Circular Needle Works for any Sock Pattern! di Melissa Morgan-Oakes (2007)

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I love the patterns from this book! Even as an avid knitter, I have avoided socks and DPNS. This book makes socks amazingly simple. I cannot wait for the toe-up book by Melissa Morgan-Oakes. ( )
  JordanCorinne | Apr 2, 2014 |
Finally! The trick to circular needles revealed! ( )
  Murphy-Jacobs | Mar 30, 2013 |
This book could be great, but this first edition has so many errors in the teaching section that it is almost useless to a novice knitter. A great cause of confusion and frustration for me, until I spent many hours reading thru Ravelry posts on the errors.

I look forward to a new edition or printing with the errors corrected. ( )
  Laurenski | Aug 5, 2009 |
I like the technique that is presented. However I am having some trouble figuring it out. I think that with a little bit of free time and minimal distractions that I will be able to figure it out.

One thing that I do like about this book is that all the patterns can be adapted to allow for DPN knitting. Which, for someone that is having trouble getting the 2 at a time on one circular thing down I think it is a good idea.

There are quite a few sock patterns in this book that I do want to try. The patterns seem to be somewhat simple, and the socks are very nice. While I may need some help learning how to use this technique I will use some of the patterns even if I have to use a different technique. ( )
  Justjenniferreading | Mar 6, 2009 |
Very well-designed book with clear instructions and helpful photographs. I did find some of the projects intimidating, but I think that's mostly because I'm a novice knitter. A great book about an interesting technique. ( )
  shannahc | Dec 27, 2008 |
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Knitting one sock is fun and rewarding, but finishing its partner can become a chore that leaves well-intentioned knitters suffering from "second sock syndrome." With this two-at-a-time technique you can easily finish a full pair of socks on the same day. Step-by-step photographs illustrate how to cast on and knit two socks together on one long circular needle, whatever the pattern or shape. Lonely, abandoned single socks are now a thing of the past!

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