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Il demone (1997)

di Terry Brooks

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Shannara Universe: Chronological (1 (Word & Void 1)), Word and Void Trilogy (1), Shannara - Publication order (09)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
2,820265,284 (3.69)20
Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. HTML:In Running with the Demon, Terry Brooks does nothing less than revitalize fantasy fiction, inventing the complex and powerful new mythos of the Word and the Void, good versus evil still, but played out in the theater-in-the-round of the "real world" of our present.
On the hottest Fourth of July weekend in decades, two men have come to Hopewell, Illinois, site of a lengthy, bitter steel strike. One is a demon, dark servant of the Void, who will use the anger and frustration of the community to attain a terrible secret goal. The other is John Ross, a Knight of the Word, a man who, while he sleeps, lives in the hell the world will become if he fails to change its course on waking. Ross has been given the ability to see the future. But does he have the power to change it?
At stake is the soul of a fourteen-year-old girl mysteriously linked to both men. And the lives of the people of Hopewell. And the future of the country. This Fourth of July, while friends and families picnic in Sinnissippi Park and fireworks explode in celebration of freedom and independence, the fate of Humanity will be decided . . .
A novel that weaves together family drama, fading innocence, cataclysm, and enlightenment, Running with the Demon will forever change the way you think about the fantasy novel. As believable as it is imaginative, as wondrous as it is frightening, it is a rich, exquisitely-written tale to be savored long after the last page is turned.
… (altro)
  1. 00
    Any Given Doomsday di Lori Handeland (Bookshop_Lady)
    Bookshop_Lady: Fans of Terry Brooks' "Word and the Void" trilogy will find in "Any Given Doomsday" another world with an upcoming showdown between good and evil, and a psychic ex-cop who has unexpectedly come into new powers that she must learn to control and use in order to prevent the end of the world. "Doomsday" is the first of a new urban fantasy series.… (altro)
  2. 00
    The Warded Man di Peter V. Brett (infiniteletters)
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» Vedi le 20 citazioni

I liked this book although the basic plot seemed cliche. Good V Evil. Demon wants to subjugate the world. Only a wounded Hero/Heroine can stop him. But it was an enjoyable read. It took awhile to get going, which may have seemed that way to me because I have been reading a lot of YA books and books written more recently. I think books even 10 years ago were more descriptive and slower moving.

It didn't grab me enough to want to find the other 2 books in the series, especially since I am trying to downsize my stuff including books.

This is the first Terry Brooks book I have read and I like his style. He kept me guessing as to how the demon would be defeated and by whom. I like his style. I know I have more of his books on my shelf so I am looking forward to reading them. ( )
  jezebellydancer | Aug 30, 2023 |
A great start to an excellent urban fantasy series. Brooks creates a compelling setting of a modern world with faerie creatures, knights, ordinary people with magical powers and demons. The characters are believable and relatable and lovable, everything you'd want. This is also the ultimate beginning of the Shannara books, though set in our time and our world. This would make a great TV series too. ( )
1 vota Karlstar | Aug 17, 2022 |
This is definitely a set up book for a series of more. The plot comes to a conclusion but it leaves you wanting to know what the characters do next. It was quite the adventure. I want to know what happens to Nest's friends as they grow up and go their separate ways. ( )
  GlenRH | Jul 26, 2021 |
I found it very slow going and much less interesting than his other novels, but still enjoyed the tie-in to the realms. ( )
  Linyarai | Feb 16, 2020 |
I decided that it was time to read the Shannara series starting from the early beginnings, which Terry Brooks had created in a completely separate series but eventually decided to tie together. So far so good.

Downside is that chances are good that each of these books will follow the same formula, which can lead to boredom by the time you hit the 4th novel ( )
  Eternal.Optimist | Aug 22, 2018 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (20 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Terry Brooksautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
BromImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Brooks, JudineAuthor Photoautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Stevenson, DavidProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wilson, George K.Narratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. HTML:In Running with the Demon, Terry Brooks does nothing less than revitalize fantasy fiction, inventing the complex and powerful new mythos of the Word and the Void, good versus evil still, but played out in the theater-in-the-round of the "real world" of our present.
On the hottest Fourth of July weekend in decades, two men have come to Hopewell, Illinois, site of a lengthy, bitter steel strike. One is a demon, dark servant of the Void, who will use the anger and frustration of the community to attain a terrible secret goal. The other is John Ross, a Knight of the Word, a man who, while he sleeps, lives in the hell the world will become if he fails to change its course on waking. Ross has been given the ability to see the future. But does he have the power to change it?
At stake is the soul of a fourteen-year-old girl mysteriously linked to both men. And the lives of the people of Hopewell. And the future of the country. This Fourth of July, while friends and families picnic in Sinnissippi Park and fireworks explode in celebration of freedom and independence, the fate of Humanity will be decided . . .
A novel that weaves together family drama, fading innocence, cataclysm, and enlightenment, Running with the Demon will forever change the way you think about the fantasy novel. As believable as it is imaginative, as wondrous as it is frightening, it is a rich, exquisitely-written tale to be savored long after the last page is turned.

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Media: (3.69)
1 15
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3 113
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5 100

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