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Sto caricando le informazioni... People of the Silencedi Kathleen O'Neal Gear, W. Michael Gear
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. En torno al año 1050 de nuestra era, los anasazi habían creado en el suroeste de Norteamérica un imperio que no tenía parangón. Maestros astrónomos, comerciantes y arquitectos, destacaron por sus avanzadas edificaciones y por poseer una compleja red de carreteras. Sin embargo, en el momento álgido de su civilización, las luchas internas, los ataques externos de otras naciones y una terrible sequía acabaron con este floreciente pueblo. At its pinnacle in A.D. 1150 the Anasazi Empire of Southwest America would see no equal in North America for almost eight hundred years. Yet even at this cultural zenith, the Anasazi held the seeds of their own destruction deep within themselves. On his deathbed, the Great Sun Chief learns a secret, a shame so vile to him that even at the brink of eternity he cannot let it pass: In a village far to the north is a fifteen summers-old girl who must be found. Though he knows neither her name nor her face, the Great Sun decrees that the girl must at all costs be killed. Fleeing for her life as her village lies in ruins, young Cornsilk is befriended by Poor Singer, a curious youth seeking to touch the soul of the Katchinas. Together, they undertake the perilous task of staying alive long enough to discover her true identity. But time is running out for them all - a desperate killer stalks them, one who is willing to destroy the entire Anasazi world to get to her nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
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At its pinnacle in A.D. 1150 the Anasazi empire of the Southwest would see no equal in North America for almost eight hundred years. Yet even at this cultural zenith, the Anasazi held the seeds of their own destruction deep within themselves.... On his deathbed, the Great Sun Chief learns a secret, a shame so vile to him that even at the brink of eternity he cannot let it pass: In a village far to the north is a fifteen-summers-old girl who must be found. Though he knows neither her name nor her face, the Great Sun decrees that the girl must at all costs be killed. Fleeing for her life as her village lies in ruins, young Cornsilk is befriended by Poor Singer, a curious youth seeking to touch the soul of the Katchinas. Together, they undertake the perilous task of staying alive long enough to discover her true identity. But time is running out for them all--a desperate killer stalks them, one who is willing to destroy the entire Anasazi world to get to her. New York TimesandUSA Todaybestselling authors and award-winning archaeologists W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear bring the stories of these first North Americans to life inPeople of the Silenceand other volumes in the magnicent North America's Forgotten Past series. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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