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Sto caricando le informazioni... People of the River (1992)di W. Michael Gear, Kathleen O'Neal Gear
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Iscriviti per consentire a LibraryThing di scoprire se ti piacerà questo libro. Attualmente non vi sono conversazioni su questo libro. Taron es el cabecilla de la población asentada en Cahokia, la capital del valle del Mississipi. Estamos en el período neolítico y a Taron le resulta difícl aseguararse la lealtad de sus súbditos: la cosecha es insuficiente y los guerreros - entre los que destacan Cola de Tejón, el líder de la guerra, y Cigarra, la guerrera a la que él no puede poseer- desafían su poder acusándolo de codicia. Sin embargo ocurre algo mucho peor: los dioses cierran las puertas del inframundo y los visionarios de Cahoika no logran romper el silencio. mientras las deidades no indiquen el camino que se debe seguir, la población carecerá de toda esperanza de futuro... salvo que la joven Linchen, que aún sueña con el poder, adquiera cierta notoriedad. I would have given this more stars, but for the poor editing. Seems like about once on every page there was a typo or some other correction that the editor missed. I know this shouldn't detract that much, but it really does for me. Interrupts the whole flow of the reading when I have to stop and figure out what's really being said because a word doesn't fit. Generally I really like these stories, and wish the authors would have put in the effort to get better editing done. I had high hopes for this one and they were not met, which is why I gave it a 2.5 stars. I grew up close to the Ohio mounds and looked forward to this story about the Mississippi people who built them. The authors have a background in archaeology and it shows in the details of everyday life. Excellent work there. My problem was with the overall story which depended entirely too much on shamanism and fate. I find "God(s) did it" stories boring. Inevitably, the characters have no free will, so whatever choice they make will yield the same result. There was an excellent fable about over-population, environmental degradation, and the hazards of unequal wealth distribution buried under a fantastical story of spirit guides and an angry "First Woman." Those who like that sort of story can add an extra star. nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione
Appartiene alle SerieÈ contenuto in1. People of the Wolf - 2. People of the Fire - 3. People of the Earth - 4. People of the River - 5. People of the Sea (People Series The First North Americans 1 to 5) di Kathleen O'Neal Gear 12- First North Americans Series: People of the - Fire/ River/ Lakes/ Silence/ Mist/ Masks/ Owl/ Raven/ Moon/ Weeping Eye/ Lightning/ Nightland di Kathleen O'Neal Gear Elenchi di rilievo
People of the River is a gripping new saga of pre-historic America that takes us to the Mississippi Valley and the tribe known as the Mound builders. It is a time of troubles. In Cahokia, the corn crop is failing again and a warchief--and the warrior woman he may never possess--are disgusted by their Chief's lust for tribute. Now even the gods have turned their faces, closing the underworld to the seers. If the gods have abandoned the people, there is no hope--unless it comes in the form of a young girl whois learning to Dream of Power. A masterful story of North America's Forgotten Past byNew York TimesandUSA Todaybestselling authors W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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Google Books — Sto caricando le informazioni... GeneriSistema Decimale Melvil (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999Classificazione LCVotoMedia:
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