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Bruno, Chef de police di Martin Walker
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Bruno, Chef de police (originale 2008; edizione 2010)

di Martin Walker (Autor)

Serie: Bruno Courrèges (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,4549513,212 (3.62)257
Fiction. Mystery. Acclaimed journalist Martin Walker has written a New York Times Notable Book and a novel shortlisted for the Whitbread Book of the Year Prize. Bruno, Chief of Police is the first installment of a series starring BenoIt "Bruno" CourrEges, the only cop stationed in a rural French village where tradition remains strong. "[A] timely whodunit . Walker deftly drives his plot toward a dark place where old sins breed fresh heartbreak."-Publishers Weekly.… (altro)
Titolo:Bruno, Chef de police
Autori:Martin Walker (Autor)
Info:Diogenes (2010), 338 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

Informazioni sull'opera

Bruno: il commissario francese di Martin Walker (2008)

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Inglese (91)  Tedesco (2)  Spagnolo (1)  Olandese (1)  Tutte le lingue (95)
1-5 di 95 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
Bruno, Chief of Police - Walker
Audio performance by Robert Ian MacKenzie
4 stars

This was such a nice vacation. I wasn’t at all disturbed by the discovery of the body. I just took my seat at the cafe and watched while Bruno solved all the problems and brought the tragedy to a satisfying, humane conclusion. I enjoyed the historical and contemporary political background of the murder. There was amusing banter along with intelligent conversation between the characters. A bit if instant romance didn’t hurt. Also, the book made me hungry for good food and good wine.

I look forward to more of this series. Robert Ian Mackenzie does a great job, and almost all of the audiobooks are available on Audible Plus and from my library through Libby. ( )
  msjudy | Jun 26, 2024 |
Meet Benoît Courrèges, chief of police in the small town of Saint Denis in the Dordogne. At first I thought this story would prove to be by some Brit anxious to display how well he was integrated into French life - it was a bit of slow burn at first. In fact this is a good story, well told and with entirely believable surprises towards the end. Walker does show a real understanding of and sympathy for community life in rural southern France, and paints a rounded picture. It's readable and enjoyable, and pleasantly intriguing, despite its being a murder mystery. I'll read more books featuring Benoît Courrèges. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
A gentle, slow pace for a murder mystery. Gorgeous locale and food. ( )
  2wonderY | Mar 26, 2024 |
Bruno is a sweet character and this was a fun, light read. It was enjoyable enough that I'm looking forward to reading other books in the series. ( )
  ellink | Jan 22, 2024 |
Having read one of the later books in this series, I found the premise intriguing and, as one of my friends suggested, I sought out the first book in the series. And it was a charming as I hoped it would be.

Bruno generally has little serious crime to deal with in the small village of St. Denis in the Dordogne Valley where he is the local policeman. For those of us who aren't familiar with the French justice system there are actually three police systems in the country. The Police Nationale is under the Interior Ministry; the Gendarmerie is in the Defence Ministry; and then there are the municipal police which is Bruno's system. He was appointed by the Mayor and, as we come to learn in this book, his relationship with the Mayor goes back to his military service. The municipal police work with the Police Nationale and the Gendarmerie to prevent and solve crimes. So, when a local man, who fought with the French army in the later parts of World War II was brutally killed in his cottage and a swastika carved into his chest, Bruno calls the Police Nationale. Hamid Mustafa al-Bakr was born in Algeria but came to France during the war. For his services he was awarded the Croix de Guerre and worked as a caretaker at a military college for many years after. His son and grandchildren live in St. Denis so he retired there to be close to his family. Suspicion comes to rest on the son of the local doctor after Bruno and the PN detectives, including newly hired Parisian Isabella, find the boy and a local rich girl in bed surrounded by Nazi paraphernalia. But, of course, the obvious suspect wouldn't be the one who ends up being the actual perpetrator. The investigation throws Bruno and Isabella together and eventually, after Isabella saves Bruno during a riot in front of the Mairie, into bed. There is also a lighter storyline about the EU food inspectors coming to check the locals at the farmers' market in the town square. Bruno does his best to make sure the unpasteurized cheeses are not on display when they arrive since he is a gourmet cook.

This book does give a lot of background that will, no doubt, help understanding later books in the series but I really think they pretty much stand on their own. ( )
  gypsysmom | Jan 7, 2024 |
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Martin Walkerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Windgassen, MichaelÜbersetzerautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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An einem strahlenden Maimorgen, so früh, dass über der grossen Flussbiegung noch Nebelreste hingen, hielt ein weisser Kleintransporter mit dunkelblauen Seitenstreifen auf der Anhöhe über dem französischen Städtchen Saint-Denis.
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Die Vergangenheit ist nie wirklich vergangen und vielleicht sogar heute noch tödlich.
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Risorse esterne che parlano di questo libro

Wikipedia in inglese (1)

Fiction. Mystery. Acclaimed journalist Martin Walker has written a New York Times Notable Book and a novel shortlisted for the Whitbread Book of the Year Prize. Bruno, Chief of Police is the first installment of a series starring BenoIt "Bruno" CourrEges, the only cop stationed in a rural French village where tradition remains strong. "[A] timely whodunit . Walker deftly drives his plot toward a dark place where old sins breed fresh heartbreak."-Publishers Weekly.

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