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Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor: The Naughtiest…
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Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor: The Naughtiest Girl, Book 3 (originale 1945; edizione 2018)

di Enid Blyton (Autore)

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465355,376 (3.61)2
When Elizabeth Allen is chosen to be a school monitor, she's delighted. But she soon finds out what a responsible job it is. The harder she tries, the worse she behaves Will the naughtiest girl in the school ever learn to be good?
Titolo:Naughtiest Girl Is a Monitor: The Naughtiest Girl, Book 3
Autori:Enid Blyton (Autore)
Info:Hodder Children's Books (2018)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor di Enid Blyton (1945)

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It's a long time since I read this book, maybe thirty years. I liked the series very much as a child. I re-read the first two of the original trilogy in the past few months, and have just finished the third. I'm surprised just how much I liked it. There are four new children at Whyteleafe School, and Elizabeth, now a monitor, rather dislikes three of them. The fourth is a bright, amusing boy who doesn't want to use his brains and doesn't care about school rules.

Inevitably Elizabeth's hot temper gets the better of her, and she jumps to some conclusions that get her into trouble. I thought this plot was well handled by Enid Blyton. It was easy enough for me to guess what was happening, but Elizabeth is a believable, likeable character who is too impetuous in her judgements. Once I'd begun reading, I could hardly put the book down.

Naturally this is dated (it was first published in the late 1940s) but still in print, and still appeals to some of today's children as well as nostalgic adults like me.

Longer review here: ( )
  SueinCyprus | Jul 29, 2024 |
What memories!! It only took me an hour or two to read, but you can't beat a bit of Blyton! Such a story of a bygone era of politeness and respect, and it makes boarding school sound like a lovely place to be! ( )
  peelap | Feb 3, 2019 |
I didn't like this one, because the Naughtiest Girl made a mess of being a Monitor. ALso this school seemed to be bear no resembelance at all to any other school in the world, as it was virtually run by the pupils and didn't degenerate into anarchy ( )
  woollymammoth | Nov 19, 2006 |
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When Elizabeth Allen is chosen to be a school monitor, she's delighted. But she soon finds out what a responsible job it is. The harder she tries, the worse she behaves Will the naughtiest girl in the school ever learn to be good?

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