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The Last Cold Warrior

di Howard Robinson

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Mr. Martin, I urgently need your help. My daughter has been missing for several days, and now my husband has also disappeared. Do not come to my home - it is being watched. Also, be careful what you say over the telephone. When Jacob Martin's vacation is interrupted by a frantic plea for help, he reluctantly heads home to Denver only to find that this case might be one of the hardest he's ever had to crack. He is asked to look into the simultaneous disappearances of Elliot Anderson, a prominent aerospace scientist, and Elliot's daughter, Stephanie, a young coed at the University of Colorado. Suspecting a double kidnapping, Jacob's inquiries soon lead him into breaches of national security, the activities of a local cocaine distributor, and threats from a pair of rogue killers. Operating on a hunch and a few scraps of information from Elliot's files, Jacob believes he can locate Stephanie and bring her home to her frantic mother, but her father's whereabouts remain unknown. As Jacob continues the search for the missing scientist, he comes to realize that if he continues the investigation, other lives will be in danger - including his own.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daLDSFICTIONatPCL
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Mr. Martin, I urgently need your help. My daughter has been missing for several days, and now my husband has also disappeared. Do not come to my home - it is being watched. Also, be careful what you say over the telephone. When Jacob Martin's vacation is interrupted by a frantic plea for help, he reluctantly heads home to Denver only to find that this case might be one of the hardest he's ever had to crack. He is asked to look into the simultaneous disappearances of Elliot Anderson, a prominent aerospace scientist, and Elliot's daughter, Stephanie, a young coed at the University of Colorado. Suspecting a double kidnapping, Jacob's inquiries soon lead him into breaches of national security, the activities of a local cocaine distributor, and threats from a pair of rogue killers. Operating on a hunch and a few scraps of information from Elliot's files, Jacob believes he can locate Stephanie and bring her home to her frantic mother, but her father's whereabouts remain unknown. As Jacob continues the search for the missing scientist, he comes to realize that if he continues the investigation, other lives will be in danger - including his own.

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