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Double Vision di Tricia Sullivan
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Double Vision (edizione 2005)

di Tricia Sullivan

Serie: Cookie Orbach (1)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1384204,940 (3.14)12
Combining William Gibson's mistrust of consumerism with Philip K. Dick's ability to twist reality through ninety degrees, DOUBLE VISION is the stunning new novel from the Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author of MAUL. When shy, psychic bookworm 'Cookie' Orbach watches television, she sees things. But not the things that you or I would see. Cookie sees The Grid - a strange, shifting landscape where human forces battle against an enemy they dare not kill. Her employer, the mysterious Dataplex Corporation, pays her well to watch this war, and asks only that she report her observations but take no direct action, which suits her passive demeanour just fine. But Cookie's quiet life is about to be shattered. Her two very different worlds are threatening to merge in a way that shouldn't really be possible, and everything is about to change. And we do mean everything ...… (altro)
Titolo:Double Vision
Autori:Tricia Sullivan
Info:Orbit (2005), Paperback, 384 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Science Fiction

Informazioni sull'opera

Double Vision di Tricia Sullivan

  1. 00
    The Memory of Fire di George Foy (bibliojim)
    bibliojim: Equally fine use of language, the same appreciation for artistic creativity.
  2. 00
    Le piume di Vurt di Jeff Noon (crimeminister)
  3. 00
    Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco di George R. R. Martin (Utente anonimo)
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Mostra 4 di 4
Tricia Sullivan is always interesting. but this is a minor work; it doesn't quite fire on all cylinders. and frankly Cookie Orbach's everyday life here seems to have more going for it than the sf plot stuff. and it ends practically in mid-sentence. there's a sequel (Sound Mind), though, i haven't read yet: could it be a much longer novel, not meant to be chopped in half? stay tuned. ( )
  macha | Jul 10, 2019 |
I wanted to like this one more, but it was a bit of a slog. Cookie Orbach reports on her visions of a off-planetary adventure to a company that sells the information. How real are her visions? How crazy is she? I was never really sure and her "real" life was more interesting than her crazy war fantasy life which often didn't make sense. Points for having a majority of female characters though. ( )
  cindywho | May 27, 2019 |
Cookie's life is mundane and dominated by food, but her dayjob is exciting: she operates a remote flyer supporting troops fighting the complex information-dense meme-eating Grid on a planet far far away. Or maybe not. This is not an easy read for anyone who likes certainty about the reality of things, and not my usual sort of light escapist read at all. Once I stopped worrying about being too stupid to understand what was really going on, I could let myself be carried along by the developing plots in the Grid and the "real world", and Cookie's own growth and development out of her rut. ( )
  rmc28 | Jan 9, 2011 |
Interesting approach to the cybergeek story, the heroine is very likeable. It got a bit confusing with all the different things happening in cyberspace but on the whole, a good read. ( )
  HeatherPetty | Aug 20, 2009 |
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Combining William Gibson's mistrust of consumerism with Philip K. Dick's ability to twist reality through ninety degrees, DOUBLE VISION is the stunning new novel from the Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author of MAUL. When shy, psychic bookworm 'Cookie' Orbach watches television, she sees things. But not the things that you or I would see. Cookie sees The Grid - a strange, shifting landscape where human forces battle against an enemy they dare not kill. Her employer, the mysterious Dataplex Corporation, pays her well to watch this war, and asks only that she report her observations but take no direct action, which suits her passive demeanour just fine. But Cookie's quiet life is about to be shattered. Her two very different worlds are threatening to merge in a way that shouldn't really be possible, and everything is about to change. And we do mean everything ...

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