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The Writer's Idea Book di Jack Heffron
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The Writer's Idea Book (originale 2000; edizione 2002)

di Jack Heffron

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
821727,870 (3.8)4
Where do you get your ideas? It's a question that plagues every writer. And once you've got an idea, what then? Ideas without a plan, without a purpose, are no more than pleasant thoughts. So how do you come up with those ideas, and how do you turn them into writing that will engage your reader? The Writer's Idea Book is here to help you find the answers. Utilizing more than 400 prompts and exercises, you'll generate intriguing ideas and plumb their possibilities to turn them into something amazing. This indispensable guide will help you: Develop good writing habits that foster creativity Explore your own life for writing material Draw inspiration from the world around you Find form for your ideas, develop them into a piece of writing, and make them better Let The Writer's Idea Book give you the insight and self-awareness to create and refine ideas that demand to be transformed into greater works, the kind of compelling, absorbing writing that will have other writers asking "where do you get your ideas?"… (altro)
Titolo:The Writer's Idea Book
Autori:Jack Heffron
Info:Writer's Digest Books (2002), Paperback, 262 pages
Collezioni:Writing Books

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The Writer's Idea Book di Jack Heffron (2000)

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» Vedi le 4 citazioni

I found this book to be great and helpful. It has a lot of useful information. It is also to use, when you have a writer's block. I will most likely use the information in this book. Love it!!! ( )
  harleyqgrayson02 | Jun 11, 2015 |
zo'n boek dat inspireert op welke bladzij je het ook openslaat. How to develop great ideas for fiction, nonfiction, poetry and screenplays, luidt de ondertitel. Het boek bestaat uit 4 delen (met in totaal 29 hoofdstukken).
Deel 1: Buigen en Strekken. Hoe kom je zover dat je gaat schrijven, wat voor opwarmingsoefeningen kun je doen?
Deel 2: Onderzoeken. Waar schrijf je over? Wat vind je leuk, wat spreekt je aan? Elk hoofdstuk eindigt met een hele lijst van prompts: niet alleen schrijf-veren maar ook doedingen. Alles om erachter te komen wat je fijn vindt om te schrijven.
Deel 3: Je Vorm Vinden. Een schat aan technische tips en oefeningen: personages, perspectief, locatie, beginnen en eindes.
Deel 4: Beoordelen en Ontwikkelen. Hoe haal je het beste uit je verhaal? Wat kun je allemaal proberen om het te verbeteren? Met weer legio oefeningen.
  Heldinne | Aug 29, 2013 |
Excellent book packed with ideas to get the creative thoughts going. Twenty nine chapters in 4 main sections: bending and stretching, exploring, finding form, assessing and developing.

Each chapter has a brief introduction and is then packed with prompts giving writers and aspiring writers plenty of opportuity to noodle around and explore different ideas. ( )
  ruric | Dec 30, 2012 |
Helpful exercises that can lend a needed spark when suffering from writer's block. However, some of the prompts are a little lame. ( )
  UtopianElle | Jun 2, 2010 |
One of my favorite writing books so far. Filled with more prompts than you can imagine, this will be one book I will return to over and over again as I find myself stumped in writing.

Heffron does an amazing job in creating a book about everything imaginable and drawing not only examples from popular literature but creating ideas for writers to use to create their works as well. The includes, but is not limited to, writing about all kinds of love, heartache, pain, and joy; events in life including birth, death and marriage; tips on how to begin and end; character development and relationships; and so many more things it’s hard to grasp them all in one reading. ( )
  blondierocket | Mar 27, 2009 |
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Where do you get your ideas? It's a question that plagues every writer. And once you've got an idea, what then? Ideas without a plan, without a purpose, are no more than pleasant thoughts. So how do you come up with those ideas, and how do you turn them into writing that will engage your reader? The Writer's Idea Book is here to help you find the answers. Utilizing more than 400 prompts and exercises, you'll generate intriguing ideas and plumb their possibilities to turn them into something amazing. This indispensable guide will help you: Develop good writing habits that foster creativity Explore your own life for writing material Draw inspiration from the world around you Find form for your ideas, develop them into a piece of writing, and make them better Let The Writer's Idea Book give you the insight and self-awareness to create and refine ideas that demand to be transformed into greater works, the kind of compelling, absorbing writing that will have other writers asking "where do you get your ideas?"

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