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New York (Penguin Joint Venture Readers) di…
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New York (Penguin Joint Venture Readers) (edizione 2003)

di Vicky Shipton

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358717,929 (3.64)Nessuno
Original / American English Every year, millions of tourists visit New York - the most exciting city in the world. Read about its history, its sights and its people. What makes New York the city that never sleeps?
Titolo:New York (Penguin Joint Venture Readers)
Autori:Vicky Shipton
Info:Penguin (2003), Paperback, 48 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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New York di Vicky Shipton

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  murat98 | Oct 20, 2010 |
This story is about New York, the most exciting city in the world. Every year, millions of tourists visit New York. New york is called " the city never sleeps". This book explains its history,its sights and its people so I want to visit there! ( )
  ayasu | Jul 15, 2010 |
This book introduces New York in various viewpoint.

This book includes many visual aids and very friendly for readers. ( )
  hideakik | Jan 16, 2010 |
You can read many fascinating stories about New York. And, there are some pictures of skyscrapers in New York in this book. All of them are so beautiful.
We can get information about New York by reading this. Especially, I enjoyed reading the story about shopping.
I've never been to New York. So I wanted to go after reading. ( )
  miyukih | Dec 24, 2009 |
This story expleins about New York. If you read it, You can learn about New York's history, sights, and people.There are a lot of contents. Foe example, The statue of Liberty, Ellis island, and so on.
After reading, I got a lot of information of New York. I'm interested in The Guggenheim Museum.I know about the museum because I learned it at my class. So I want to go New York to see it. ( )
  umineko | Dec 18, 2009 |
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Original / American English Every year, millions of tourists visit New York - the most exciting city in the world. Read about its history, its sights and its people. What makes New York the city that never sleeps?

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