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Il cavaliere del verbo

di Terry Brooks

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2,196137,520 (3.77)11
A no-holds-barred battle between Good and Evil . . . Eight centuries ago the first Knight of the Word was commissioned to combat the demonic evil of the Void. Now that daunting legacy has passed to John Ross--along with powerful magic and the knowledge that his actions are all that stand between a living hell and humanity's future. Then, after decades of service to the Word, an unspeakable act of violence shatters John Ross's weary faith. Haunted by guilt, he turns his back on his dread gift, settling down to build a normal life, untroubled by demons and nightmares. But a fallen Knight makes a tempting prize for the Void, which could bend the Knight's magic to its own evil ends. And once the demons on Ross's trail track him to Seattle, neither he nor anyone close to him will be safe. His only hope is Nest Freemark, a college student who wields an extraordinary magic all her own. Five years earlier, Ross had aided Nest when the future of humanity rested upon her choice between Word and Void. Now Nest must return the favor. She must restore Ross's faith, or his life--and hers--will be forfeit . . .… (altro)
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» Vedi le 11 citazioni

I normally love his books, but I found this one really slow and hard to get through. Made me really miss the others. ( )
  Linyarai | Feb 16, 2020 |
i still don't see this book connected to Shannara. Maybe in the next part. ( )
  EdwinKort | Oct 18, 2019 |
Come il precedente "Il Demone", Brooks perde troppo tempo in inutili dettagli e la prima parte del libro va avanti in maniera noiosa. La seconda parte è migliore e riscatta tutto il libro, ma di certo l'autore non raggiunge le vette della saga di Shannara ( )
  maxliscia | Aug 7, 2017 |
this was even more depressing than Running with the Demon. The Word is not even trying to prevail, but simply to hold a vanguard action against The Void. Dualism is a terrible worldview ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
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Voor Jim Simonson, Laurie Jaeger, Larry Grella en Mollie Tremaine

Goede vrienden en allerbeste buren.
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Hij staat op een helling ten zuiden van de stad en ziet toe op de slachting.
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(Click per vedere. Attenzione: può contenere anticipazioni.)
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

A no-holds-barred battle between Good and Evil . . . Eight centuries ago the first Knight of the Word was commissioned to combat the demonic evil of the Void. Now that daunting legacy has passed to John Ross--along with powerful magic and the knowledge that his actions are all that stand between a living hell and humanity's future. Then, after decades of service to the Word, an unspeakable act of violence shatters John Ross's weary faith. Haunted by guilt, he turns his back on his dread gift, settling down to build a normal life, untroubled by demons and nightmares. But a fallen Knight makes a tempting prize for the Void, which could bend the Knight's magic to its own evil ends. And once the demons on Ross's trail track him to Seattle, neither he nor anyone close to him will be safe. His only hope is Nest Freemark, a college student who wields an extraordinary magic all her own. Five years earlier, Ross had aided Nest when the future of humanity rested upon her choice between Word and Void. Now Nest must return the favor. She must restore Ross's faith, or his life--and hers--will be forfeit . . .

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Media: (3.77)
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1 8
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2 17
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3 80
3.5 24
4 130
4.5 11
5 79

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