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A History of Western Architecture, 4th…
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A History of Western Architecture, 4th edition (edizione 2005)

di David Watkin (Autore)

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336180,143 (3.53)17
In his highly acclaimed reference work David Watkin traces the history of western architecture from the earliest times in Mesopotamia and Egypt to the eclectic styles of the twenty-first century. The author emphasizes the ongoing vitality of the Classical language of architecture, underlining the continuity between, say, the work of Ictinus in fifth-century BC Athens and that of McKim, Mead and White in twentieth-century New York. Authoritative, comprehensive and highly illustrated, this fifth edition has been expanded to bring the story of western architecture right up to date and includes a separate final chapter on twenty-first century developments.… (altro)
Titolo:A History of Western Architecture, 4th edition
Autori:David Watkin (Autore)
Info:Watson-Guptill (2005), Edition: Fourth Edition, 720 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Storia dell'architettura occidentale di David Watkin

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"De Westerse architectuur" is zoals de ondertitel aangeeft een geschiedenis van de Westerse architectuur. Ik heb de eerste 3 hoofdstukken gelezen. Ik vind er weinig samenhang in te ontdekken, het is meer een opsomming van alle gebouwen die van belang zijn. Wel zijn de illustraties de moeite waard, vandaar toch 3 sterren. Ik ben gestopt met lezen op blz 115 van 684 blz. ( )
  erikscheffers | Sep 13, 2013 |
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In his highly acclaimed reference work David Watkin traces the history of western architecture from the earliest times in Mesopotamia and Egypt to the eclectic styles of the twenty-first century. The author emphasizes the ongoing vitality of the Classical language of architecture, underlining the continuity between, say, the work of Ictinus in fifth-century BC Athens and that of McKim, Mead and White in twentieth-century New York. Authoritative, comprehensive and highly illustrated, this fifth edition has been expanded to bring the story of western architecture right up to date and includes a separate final chapter on twenty-first century developments.

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