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My Life as an Explorer

di Roald Amundsen

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Prior to his disappearance in the Arctic during an airborne rescue mission, the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) had reflected in writing on his extraordinary career. First published in 1927 and reissued here in the English translation of that year, his autobiography discusses in straightforward style the numerous difficulties of his many expeditions, ranging from problems of finance and planning through to dealing with life-threatening danger and inevitable controversy. Generously acknowledging an 'old gentleman in Grimsby' for providing materials that helped him plan the first navigation of the North-West Passage, Amundsen credits painstaking preparation as the cornerstone of his success, especially in the conquest of the South Pole. His fuller accounts of these two expeditions are also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Frank and focused like its author, the present work will reveal to readers the outlook and approach of a remarkable figure in the history of polar exploration.… (altro)
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The title may be My Life As An Explorer, but the book has brief chapters on his earlier exploring career before focussing in depth on his flight with Nobile by balloon over the Arctic. I believe his account is covered by his other writings, and his aim in this book is to try to put the record straight after Nobile's poor behaviour before, during and after the flight (Nobile claimed a much larger part than he actually played, extorted money from the expedition, and broke contracts over the rights to publishing after the event).

Thus most of the book expresses Amundsen's bitterness and is a way of getting things off his chest. Despite this becoming rather repetitive, it is fascinating stuff and gives an insight into the often untold stories of explorers -- that much of their lives are bound up with fundraising, securing contracts and sponsorship, and maintaining relations with their companions and patrons. ( )
  rrmmff2000 | Jun 27, 2012 |
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Prior to his disappearance in the Arctic during an airborne rescue mission, the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen (1872-1928) had reflected in writing on his extraordinary career. First published in 1927 and reissued here in the English translation of that year, his autobiography discusses in straightforward style the numerous difficulties of his many expeditions, ranging from problems of finance and planning through to dealing with life-threatening danger and inevitable controversy. Generously acknowledging an 'old gentleman in Grimsby' for providing materials that helped him plan the first navigation of the North-West Passage, Amundsen credits painstaking preparation as the cornerstone of his success, especially in the conquest of the South Pole. His fuller accounts of these two expeditions are also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Frank and focused like its author, the present work will reveal to readers the outlook and approach of a remarkable figure in the history of polar exploration.

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