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No Man's Land di Duong Thu Huong
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No Man's Land (edizione 2006)

di Duong Thu Huong (Autore)

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2057137,061 (4.05)1
"Central Vietnam. 1975. A young peasant woman, happily married to a successful farmer, returns to her house in the countryside to find a thong of villagers assembled around her gate. She learns that her first husband - who reportedly died as a martyr and war hero many years earlier - is in fact alive and has returned to claim her. Faced with immense pressure from the community and the Party authorities, she agrees to leave her second husband and their son to live in a squalid shack with the veteran." "This tragic twist of fate sets the stage for Duong Thu Huong's tale of three individuals whose destinies are inextricably linked and irrevocably altered by the absurdity of war. As the riveting story unfolds, each of the parties in this fateful love triangle struggles to reconcile personal happiness with traditional values of duty and selflessness. Together, these characters offer a devastating portrait of a people sacrificed on the altar of war and to a cult of heroism."--BOOK JACKET.… (altro)
Titolo:No Man's Land
Autori:Duong Thu Huong (Autore)
Info:Hachette Books (2006), Edition: Reprint, 464 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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No Man's Land di Dương Thu Hương

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» Vedi 1 citazione

> Babelio :
> Le Livre de Poche (celiatas) :

> DEUX CHEFS-D'OEUVRES. DEUX ROMANS INITIATIQUES. À LIRE ABSOLUMENT. — Qualité de la construction romanesque. Écriture à la fois sobre et flamboyante, tendre et crue, évoquant tragédies, destins, pouvoir. C'est bien la magie de la littérature que cette capacité d'emmener le lecteur dans les méandres de l'histoire vietnamienne contemporaine, à travers le regard des différents personnages.
La vie de l'auteur ; qui vit depuis 2006 à Paris, vaut un roman. Cette femme née en 1947 au Vietnam, a connu la guerre contre les français, a lutté 20 ans contre les américains et 20 ans contre le pouvoir en place à Hanoï. (Jacques MARMEY)
• Duong Thu Huong, Terre des oublis, 794 pages, 2006, Sabine Wespieser
• Id., Au Zénith, 800 pages, 2009, Sabine Wespieser
Carnets du Yoga, (278), Juin 2009, (p. 19)

> Harzoune Mustapha. Terre des oublis. — Duong Thu Huong traduit du vietnamien par Phan Huy Duong éditions Sabine Wespieser, 2006.
In: Hommes et Migrations, n°1263, Septembre-octobre 2006. Immigration et marché du travail. Un siècle d'histoire. pp. 154-155. … ; (en ligne),

> Terre des oublis, magistral roman de l'après-guerre du Vietnam, a obtenu le Grand Prix des lectrices de
Elle 2007.

> Duonq Thu Huonq porte la littérature à son acmé. Nous fait plonger au coeur de la chair et de l'esprit dans des ténèbres traversées d'éclats de lumière. Chef-d'oeuvre ? Oui.
Stéphane Guibourgé, Le Fiqaro

> Avocate des droits de l'homme et des réformes démocratiques, Duong Thu Huong n'a cessé de défendre vigoureusement, à travers ses livres, ses engagements. Exclue du Parti communiste vietnamien en 1990 pour « indiscipline », elle est arrêtée et emprisonnée sans procès le 14 avril 1991. Son arrestation provoque un large mouvement de protestation en France et aux Etats-Unis. Elle est libérée en novembre 1991. Elle vit désormais en France.
Le Livre de Poche

> Au lendemain de la guerre du Vietnam, Miên doit accomplir son devoir face à l’opinion et retourner vivre auprès de son mari qu’elle croyait mort, celui-ci s'étant sacrifié pour son pays. Sous la pression communautaire, elle quitte son mari, son enfant et une vie très confortable pour une vie de dénuement... Une haine s’installe entre ce trio amoureux qui subissent le malheur qui les afflige.... Ce livre nous plonge dans les odeurs, les traditions, la culture et les couleurs du Vietnam. Une merveille !
Gwenaëlle Colombe, Espace culturel Leclerc à Mimizan (40)
  Joop-le-philosophe | Dec 16, 2018 |
Een jonge, inmiddels hertrouwde Vietnamese wordt geconfronteerd met de onverwachte terugkomst van haar eerste man, een soldaat die negen jaar vermist werd ( )
  huizenga | Feb 4, 2016 |
Notwithstanding that this book takes place in Vietnam, a place I have never been and know little about, this brilliant author swept me up in the story, characters, and setting. It's been awhile since I finished the book but I remember it as being a moving and sensual love story, as well as a meditation on war. ( )
  jdukuray | Dec 31, 2014 |
A haunted look at a happily married Vietnamese woman whose first husband, declared dead years ago, returns from the war -- the pressure she feels from the ghosts of her ancestors and the living villagers, the agonies of the returned soldier, from the war and the absence of the love he had dreamed of, and the dream-boat conduct of the second husband. Powerful images, very fine translation, much to ponder, but doesn't reach the heights of two other of her books, Paradise of the Blind, and Novel Without A Name. Editing and compression would have helped, conversation between the characters pushing and pulling on their desires and fears would have deepened a sense of each.

If you are going to Vietnam, or have a warm interest in the country, don't miss it but expect some slack in the telling...

For full review see ( )
  William.Kirkland | Apr 12, 2013 |
A powerful novel from vietnam, a young woman marries the man goes to war and is thought to have been killed. The woman re marries and both her and the new husband find happiness. The first husband returns, the woman because of the social pressure remains to him. The dead man walking the first husband suffers PTSD. The woman no longer loves him. Lots of suffering in this novel lots of seeing what village life is like in Vietnam. An excellent novel ( )
1 vota michaelbartley | May 25, 2009 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

» Aggiungi altri autori (5 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Dương Thu Hươngautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
McPherson, NinaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Phan Huy DuongTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Wikipedia in inglese


"Central Vietnam. 1975. A young peasant woman, happily married to a successful farmer, returns to her house in the countryside to find a thong of villagers assembled around her gate. She learns that her first husband - who reportedly died as a martyr and war hero many years earlier - is in fact alive and has returned to claim her. Faced with immense pressure from the community and the Party authorities, she agrees to leave her second husband and their son to live in a squalid shack with the veteran." "This tragic twist of fate sets the stage for Duong Thu Huong's tale of three individuals whose destinies are inextricably linked and irrevocably altered by the absurdity of war. As the riveting story unfolds, each of the parties in this fateful love triangle struggles to reconcile personal happiness with traditional values of duty and selflessness. Together, these characters offer a devastating portrait of a people sacrificed on the altar of war and to a cult of heroism."--BOOK JACKET.

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