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The Zimmermann Telegram di Barbara W.…
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The Zimmermann Telegram (originale 1958; edizione 1985)

di Barbara W. Tuchman (Autore)

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1,5392912,267 (3.9)127
History. Nonfiction. HTML:

In the dark winter of 1917, World War I was deadlocked. For Europe to be saved, the United States had to join the war—but President Wilson remained unshakable in his neutrality. Then, with a single stroke, the tool to propel America into the war came into a quiet British office. One of countless messages intercepted by the crack team of British decoders, the Zimmermann telegram was a top-secret message from Berlin inviting Mexico to join Japan in an invasion of the United States: Mexico would recover her lost American territories while keeping the US occupied on her side of the Atlantic. How Britain managed to inform America of Germany's plan without revealing that the German codes had been broken makes for an incredible true story of espionage, intrigue, and international politics as only Barbara W. Tuchman could tell it.

.… (altro)
Titolo:The Zimmermann Telegram
Autori:Barbara W. Tuchman (Autore)
Info:Random House Trade Paperbacks (1985), Edition: Reprint, 256 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:us history, world history

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The Zimmermann Telegram di Barbara W. Tuchman (1958)

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» Vedi le 127 citazioni

This is an excellent review of the events that dragged the US into World War I, focusing on the unrestricted U boat campaign, but in particular the Zimmerman telegram, how it came about and how it was decoded and revealed. A fascinating discussion of events that led to the US entry in WWI - and the seeds of WWII. ( )
  Karlstar | Feb 11, 2024 |
A non-fiction read about the infamous telegram that brought the U.S. into WWI. After reading the book, I 'm sure that the US would have entered anyway, but this is just one more event that pushed America closer to the precipice of war.

learned about room 40
heard Mexican names I've not heard since 1972 when I studied at the Universidad de Mexico City (Villa, Carranzza, Huerta, Diaz, Madero)
saw another side presented of Woodrow Wilson that I had not read of before--that of a stubborn, hard-headed, non-compromising individual

so many characters, could not keep them straight; especially the German & British...I listened to this on Audio. Perhaps had I read a hard copy, my mind might have been more organized.

My expectations were that the book centered primarily on the interception and decoding of the telegram, but that was not the case. The book was primarily about high-level politics from 1914-1918. 3 stars, 7 hrs 12 mins (256 pages) ( )
  Tess_W | Feb 5, 2023 |
Bók Barböru W. Tuchman, The Zimmermann Telegram, fjallar um samnefnt símskeyti sem talið er vera ein meginorsök þess að Bandaríkjamenn ákváðu að taka þátt í fyrri heimsstyrjöldinni árið 1917.
Símskeytið var sent dulkóðað frá Zimmermann utanríkisráðherra Þjóðverja til þýska sendiherrans Mexíkó og innihélt tilboð Þjóðverja um hernaðarbandalag gegn Bandaríkjamönnum. Mexíkóum yrði hjálpað að leggja undir sig suðvestur hluta BNA og Texas, landsvæði sem þeir fyrrnefnefndu hernámu í innrás skömmu áður. Sömuleiðis áttu Mexíkóar að lokka Japani til fylgilags við Þjóðverja í styrjöldinni en þeir börðust með Bandamönnum. Bretum tókst hins vegar að ráða dulmál símskeytisins og láku því svo til Bandaríkjamanna. Birting símskeytisins olli ofsareiði á meðal Bandaríkjamanna og átti stóran þátt í að snúa almenningsálitinu frá hlutleysi í stríðinu til hernaðarþátttöku.
Sagan snýst um pólitísk samskipti Bandaríkjanna við Mexíkó og hræðslu við afskipti Japana þar. Hvernig Þjóðverjar reyndu síðan á grípa í hálmstrá í von um aðstoð Mexíkóa í stríðinu. Þjóðverjar höfðu ákveðið að hefja ótakmarkaðann kafbátahernað sem þeir töldu réttilega að myndi draga BNA í stríðið gegn sér. Ef BNA væri hins vegar í ófriði við nágranna sína þá fengju þeir nægan tíma til að sigra Bandamenn á Vesturvígstöðvunum.
Þetta er fróðleg saga hjá Tuchman og sem fyrr leggur hún mikla áherslu á dramatískar lýsingar. Stundum skýtur hún yfir strikið og litríkar persónulýsingar og skálduð samtöl eru oft á tíðum full dramatísk. ( )
  SkuliSael | Apr 28, 2022 |
Tuchman provides the classic account of a key event in the First World War. British naval intelligence had intercepted a telegram from the German foreign ministry to their ambassador in Mexico. The Germans wanted the Mexicans to join any war with the United States and in return would be rewarded with a string of southern states that once belonged to Mexico.

At the time, America was reluctant to join the war. This was despite German u-boats sinking American ships and an active campaign of espionage and sabotage on American soil. Was the telegram the straw that broke the camel's back and brought the United States into the war? It is difficult say.

This is a fascinating read, enlivened by Tuchman's willingness to make judgments on the individuals involved and perhaps limited by the sources she had available. ( )
  dunnmj | Mar 9, 2022 |
A 3-star treatment of a 5 star topic, although it is a book which is 60 years old. Covers how the UK laundered their intercept and decrypt of the Zimmerman telegram (German military aid and entreaty to Mexico to wage war against the USA) which contributed to the US entry to WW1 and thus to the long term destruction of Europe, the US, liberty, and humanity. ( )
  octal | Jan 1, 2021 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (4 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Tuchman, Barbara W.autore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Cornets de Groot, P.Traduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
McCaddon, WandaNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Wahlén, JanTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Wikipedia in inglese (3)

History. Nonfiction. HTML:

In the dark winter of 1917, World War I was deadlocked. For Europe to be saved, the United States had to join the war—but President Wilson remained unshakable in his neutrality. Then, with a single stroke, the tool to propel America into the war came into a quiet British office. One of countless messages intercepted by the crack team of British decoders, the Zimmermann telegram was a top-secret message from Berlin inviting Mexico to join Japan in an invasion of the United States: Mexico would recover her lost American territories while keeping the US occupied on her side of the Atlantic. How Britain managed to inform America of Germany's plan without revealing that the German codes had been broken makes for an incredible true story of espionage, intrigue, and international politics as only Barbara W. Tuchman could tell it.


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