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Vassalord Volume 1 (Vasalord) (2007)

di Nanae Chrono

Serie: Vassalord (1)

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1537178,561 (3.51)15
"Charley, a cyborg vampire who does the Vatican's dirty work, is the thrall of local vampire playboy Johnny Rayflo. As the two fight crime--and each other--hilarity, violence, and sacrilege ensue"--p. [4] of cover, vol. 1.
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The reason I did not rate this higher is because the plot can be a little convoluted at times. The premise of a cyborg vampire that does the Vatican's dirty work was certainly enough for me to read it, and the humor between Rayflo and Charley is entertaining. However, at times, the plot seems to throw elements in for the sake of throwing them in. It could be a lot tighter. While I will continue reading the series, it is with a little reservation. I like the characters enough to go on, but the plotting could use some tightening up. ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
Oh my God, I have to read this. The artwork is simply gorgeous . I saw the OVA, which was excellent, so now I must read this. I love Rayflo~
  KillerCorp | Jul 27, 2015 |
Les dessins sont assez beaux, les personnages plutôt sympathiques mais l'histoire est assez brouillon. Reste à voir comment le manga va évoluer. ( )
  Vora | Jan 24, 2012 |
When a back cover summary contains phrases like "cyborg vampire who does the Vatican's dirty work”, or "local vampire playboy," and couples those with the age-old standby "the two fight crime" sort of know what to expect from the contents. Tack on blatant excuse for homoerotic biting (the religious cyborg vampire will only drink blood from his playboy vampire to avoid further sinning), and despite vampires and the absolutely ridiculous not always being my thing, it seemed like it could be entertaining in a campy, incredibly over-the-top sort of way.

I made it about half way through and just couldn't go on. I write reviews largely just to give myself something to think about when the actual experience of reading something isn't holding my interest, but this manga was for me so empty that there just wasn't any sport in trying to decide why it wasn't working for me. I'm fine with the existence of robotic killer maids, the shooting vampire cyborg arms and bewildering porcupine-like attack/defense mechanisms. In a way, such silly things are the best thing about the manga because it means you can report to anyone around you while reading that "now I think he's hugging the other guy while impaling him on a long metal rod protruding from his vampire cyborg body."

The problem is, an occasional report on the latest amusing occurrence would probably be preferable to reading the actual manga. Read the manga, and you have to deal with being dropped into a story/situation/relationship with no context, chaotic fight scenes that are sometimes difficult to follow, disjointed scene changes, and odd juggling of humor vs seriousness/angst. The characterization and relationship displayed between the mains is a difficult to grasp mixture of silly bickering, cold irritation, smoldering angsty moments with occasional shows of tenderness/dedication, all with little to give a sense of why the characters behave this way, giving me the impression the writer was intentionally setting out to show different sorts of dynamics fangirls might find hot, and touching on all of them rather than trying to form a cohesive picture of a character or relationship.

While some of the flaws can be overlooked, I think for a series this over-the-top to work for me, it's got to have a cool style and charming characters. Instead of going for cool and charming, the manga sometimes tries a darker more serious feel (that perhaps was meant to fit with the usual idea of vampires) that doesn't really mesh with the humorous moments or ridiculous premise at all. Still, it's all about guy vampires biting other guy vampires, brooding, bickering, fighting, and probably some affection in there somewhere they would be loathe to admit. And I'm sure that's a mix that some won't be able to help but find a guilty pleasure in, whatever the execution. ( )
  narwhaltortellini | Dec 9, 2010 |
Where to begin even describing this manga! The main character Charley is a Catholic Priest who is also a cyborg vampire. Yes you read right. He is depatched by the Vatican to destroy rogue vampires along with his creator vampire playboy Johnny Rayflo. Charley will only take blood from Johnny to stop further sinning. There are three main stories in the first installment. The first is entitled The Confined Elagabalus where the two come up against a vampire princess who has a history with Johnny.

The second chapter is Hierocles' Delusion where Charley is called in to look at a suspicious Priest who is only conducting services at night. In the middle of a service a cross falls down with a dead girl tied to the back of it, knocking out the Priest. Charley and Johnny are caught round the back exchanging blood which doesn't look good, but they pass it off as embracing (not much better in a church). There they meet a cute young boy who is more than he seems. The third story is Fleeting Dark Abba which is a short tale about Charley when he was a young human boy and how he met Johnny.

There is a lot of violence and it is not for the easily offended! There are lots of homosexual overtones and it can be quite sacreligious at times (something I actually enjoyed randomly). The stories are a little crazy, but I did quite like it. I will continue with the series and see if it starts to make any more sense... ( )
1 vota Rhinoa | Apr 15, 2009 |
The nice thing about Vassalord is that Nanae Chrono (Peace Maker) abandons all pretense of seriousness.

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"Charley, a cyborg vampire who does the Vatican's dirty work, is the thrall of local vampire playboy Johnny Rayflo. As the two fight crime--and each other--hilarity, violence, and sacrilege ensue"--p. [4] of cover, vol. 1.

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1 4
1.5 1
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3 10
4 10
4.5 2
5 11

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