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Sto caricando le informazioni... Ahab's Wife or, The Star-Gazerdi Sena Jeter Naslund
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Too long, too full of rambling thoughts, especially on the part of the very self-centred main character. Too self-indulgent on the part of the author. And dreary. ( ) Sena Jeter Nauslund (how I would love to know the etymology of that name) has written a book worthy of its inspiration in Ahab’s Wife. Beautifully written, though some of the ponderings by Una (the wife) as she develops her spirituality remind me of the elven songs in Tolkien - long and wavering and tempting to skip. That said, this is an amazing life description of a girl who lived unafraid. Like Ahab, she thrusts herself in places, builds skills so she can handle life’s twists, strengthens herself against misfortune, opens herself to joy. Nausland describes life at a lighthouse so beautifully I wanted to pack up my life and move there immediately.. She describes whale hunting in its gruesome detail, draws the heart-rending aspects of mental illness without glancing away. Now of course I must re- read Moby Dick. I feel that this book provides a humanity to Ahab, and makes me wish for more. And hey bravo for a book that describes the life of women in this time. Una is a bit tooooo perfect for me, so open and forgiving and tolerant. It seems unlikely at that time. But I was so willing to suspend disbelief and trust in the story and it was beautiful. Captain Ahab,Moby Dick, and Ishamael are three of the most well known characters in American literature. One of the things I most liked about this take on the tale was the way several real life people were included in Una Ahab's telling of the story. Four of these names were instantly recognizable to me. Three of them are writers who are required reading I'm many schools; i.e. Henry James, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. But there were three characters who whose names I didn't actually recognize, all three were close friends of Una; and there was just something about the passion in which the author described them that made we wonder. So I googled them, and it turns out yes, they were actual historical figures. Margaret Fuller the first full time American female book reviewer and strong women's rights. Maria Mitchell the first person to discover a comment using a telescope. And Phebe Folger Coleman an acclaimed poet and artist. I think it says a lot about history is taught in our schools. For far too long women have not been getting the recognition they deserve for the accomplishments they have made. I said earlier there were four names I recognized instantly. The fourth was Frederick Douglass. He had only a minor role in this novel but the accolades the author bestowed upon him make it clear of the vital and very influential role Douglass played in the fight against slavery. So how is it that the President of this nation does not know of the importance of Frederick Douglas ? Answer, he lived his entire life in that ivory tower and is totally out of touch with the People. We The People deserve better that that !
Naslund, the author of four previous books of fiction, is most successful here sentence to sentence, where her gift for pleasure shines. Her Una is a deep and wayward creature, undaunted by convention, whose descriptions are dense with a languid and sensual interest in the world. Unlike Ahab, Una can wait. She is not driven; for her, the world is enough. È ispirato aPremi e riconoscimentiMenzioniElenchi di rilievo
From the opening line-"Captain Ahab was neither my first husband nor my last"-you will know that you are in the hands of a master storyteller and in the company of a fascinating woman hero. Inspired by a brief passage in Moby-Dick, Sena Jeter Naslund has created an enthralling and compellingly readable saga, spanning a rich, eventful, and dramatic life. At once a family drama, a romantic adventure, and a portrait of a real and loving marriage, Ahab's Wife gives new perspective on the American experience. This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more. Non sono state trovate descrizioni di biblioteche |
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