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Finding Home di Georgia Beers
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Finding Home (edizione 2008)

di Georgia Beers (Autore)

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943297,778 (3.89)1
Deciding to escape her disaster of a life, Sarah Buchanan takes a temporary position with her company overseas. But that means leaving her dog, Bentley, at home. So when Natalie Fox finds a skinny, terrified dog outside the bakery, the blue-eyed canine becomes the catalyst for a relationship between the two polar opposites.… (altro)
Titolo:Finding Home
Autori:Georgia Beers (Autore)
Info:Bold Strokes Books (2008), 179 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Finding Home di Georgia Beers

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This is another one where I'd go 3 1/2 but can't so I round up. Also keep in mind my soft spot for Ms. Beers' work.


I just reread this one and I think I liked it more the second time around. I not only have a soft spot for her work but a huge soft spot for dogs... ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
This was a so so so so slow burn.

Sarah is an executive somewhere who does something (seriously, I dare another reader to tell me what she does and where? Heh heh). That's not important though. The important part of her story is that she has the cutest dog. Bentley. Unfortunately she has to go to New Zealand for whatever work she does, and leaves Bentley with her family.

Somewhere in the three months she's away that goes badly, and Natalie, a barista at a bakery where Sarah gets her coffee happens to find Bentley looking very worse for wear behind the bakery and adopts him.

Then Sarah comes home. Neither woman is happy with the other, but, they get closer and closer (but very slowly as I implied, heh, above).

The characters were really amazing. From the Valentis (loved them) to Andrea (she sorta annoyed me at times, but in a delightful way), and even small characters like Ellen (would have loved to know more about her).

Ooh, and Bentley, he was amazing. So so amazing. He was still a dog, but, was written with just enough 'smarts' to make him so so awesome. ( )
  DanieXJ | Jan 28, 2019 |
Georgia Beers did a great job of telling a story about two very different women with the love of a dog in common. A short novel that did what it was intended. ( )
  elizatanner | Jul 5, 2017 |
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To Pepper, Knute, Nexi, Niko, Mickey, Darby, Henry, and Finley, for showing me the indescribable joys of being loved by a dog.
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Drunk-dialing was never a good idea.
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Deciding to escape her disaster of a life, Sarah Buchanan takes a temporary position with her company overseas. But that means leaving her dog, Bentley, at home. So when Natalie Fox finds a skinny, terrified dog outside the bakery, the blue-eyed canine becomes the catalyst for a relationship between the two polar opposites.

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