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Chicken Dinners 1, 2, 3: 125,000 Possible Combinations for Dinner Tonight (The 1, 2, 3 Dinners)

di Jacqueline Heriteau

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How many times have you been shocked to realize that it's five o'clock (already) and you haven't even begun to think about what you're going to make for dinner (again)? Just deciding what to cook can be pretty daunting, and the idea of being creative... well, not tonight. But Chicken Dinners 1, 2, 3 will turn this nigh fly chore into something fun. Just flip through the recipe cards to mix and match the dishes until you come up with the perfect meal, all on one page. The cards are divided into three groups: Chicken Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, and Starch Dishes. Put together a quick weekday dinner such as Sauteed Chicken Breasts with Fresh Tomato Sauce, Spinach Bake, and Golden Roasted Parmesan Potatoes, or make an exotic dinner for friends such as Curried Chicken with Mango Chutney, Cucumber Raita, and Jeweled Jasmine Rice. Whatever you choose, Chicken Dinners 1, 2, 3 is the perfect kitchen companion, helping you get a different great meal on the table night after night quickly and easily. The recipes are all very simple and require minimal preparation time. The introduction and recipe headnotes provide valuable information such as do-ahead tips, storage directions, ingredient descriptions, and advice on creating low-fat meals. And, on those nights when you don't want to think at all, each recipe has suggestions for other dishes in the book that work well with this particular recipe, so you can put a menu together in just seconds. However you use this book, planning a meal has never been so much fun!… (altro)
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How many times have you been shocked to realize that it's five o'clock (already) and you haven't even begun to think about what you're going to make for dinner (again)? Just deciding what to cook can be pretty daunting, and the idea of being creative... well, not tonight. But Chicken Dinners 1, 2, 3 will turn this nigh fly chore into something fun. Just flip through the recipe cards to mix and match the dishes until you come up with the perfect meal, all on one page. The cards are divided into three groups: Chicken Dishes, Vegetable Dishes, and Starch Dishes. Put together a quick weekday dinner such as Sauteed Chicken Breasts with Fresh Tomato Sauce, Spinach Bake, and Golden Roasted Parmesan Potatoes, or make an exotic dinner for friends such as Curried Chicken with Mango Chutney, Cucumber Raita, and Jeweled Jasmine Rice. Whatever you choose, Chicken Dinners 1, 2, 3 is the perfect kitchen companion, helping you get a different great meal on the table night after night quickly and easily. The recipes are all very simple and require minimal preparation time. The introduction and recipe headnotes provide valuable information such as do-ahead tips, storage directions, ingredient descriptions, and advice on creating low-fat meals. And, on those nights when you don't want to think at all, each recipe has suggestions for other dishes in the book that work well with this particular recipe, so you can put a menu together in just seconds. However you use this book, planning a meal has never been so much fun!

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