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Lord, Change Me! di Evelyn Christenson
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Lord, Change Me! (originale 1977; edizione 1993)

di Evelyn Christenson (Autore)

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HOW TO BECOME THE CHRISTIAN YOU REALLY WANT TO BE Evelyn Christenson writes, "I have discovered through the years that surprising things happen when I pray, 'Lord, change me--don't change my husband, don't change my children, don't change my pastor, change me!, . . . More and more the fact comes into focus that they, and not I, are responsible before God for their actions. But I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in me." Eveyn's fourteen-month spiritual adventure in learning how God changes people became the exciting story of this book. First published in 1977, "Lord, Change Me!" has surpassed one million copies in print and continues to help a new generation of Christian women--and men--experience the spiritual transformation God commands in Romans 12:2. "Lord, Change Me!" outlines seven methods of real, inside-out change as well as ways to check to be sure it is God who is doing the changing. And woven throughout are Evelyn's wonderfully transparent accounts of how God aught her and her loved ones these nuggets of truth. and  … (altro)
Titolo:Lord, Change Me!
Autori:Evelyn Christenson (Autore)
Info:Victor Books (1993), 156 pages
Collezioni:Christian Living

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Lord, Change Me di Evelyn Christenson (1977)

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HOW TO BECOME THE CHRISTIAN YOU REALLY WANT TO BE Evelyn Christenson writes, "I have discovered through the years that surprising things happen when I pray, 'Lord, change me--don't change my husband, don't change my children, don't change my pastor, change me!, . . . More and more the fact comes into focus that they, and not I, are responsible before God for their actions. But I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in me
  StFrancisofAssisi | May 21, 2019 |
HOW TO BECOME THE CHRISTIAN YOU REALLY WANT TO BE Evelyn Christenson writes, I have discovered through the years that surprising things happen when I pray, 'Lord, change me--don't change my husband, don't change my children, don't change my pastor, change me!, . . . More and more the fact comes into focus that they, and not I, are responsible before God for their actions. But I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in me. Eveyn's fourteen-month spiritual adventure in learning how God changes people became the exciting story of this book. First published in 1977, Lord, Change Me! has surpassed one million copies in print and continues to help a new generation of Christian women--and men--experience the spiritual transformation God commands in Romans 12:2. Lord, Change Me! outlines seven methods of real, inside-out change as well as ways to check to be sure it is God who is doing the changing. And woven throughout are Evelyn's wonderfully transparent accounts of how God aught her and her loved ones these nuggets of truth.
  FriendsLibraryFL | Sep 6, 2014 |
Each chapter was very heavy on personal anecdotes and feelings. I prefer to base my faith and spiritual maturity on something more substantive than stories and feelings. I like the premise, rarely connected with the book and the author. ( )
  Jagular2k | Apr 29, 2012 |
We know that prayer and the Word are the vehicles through which the Holy Spirit changes us...but how does God motivate us to change in the first place? By placing us in difficult situations with difficult people, in trials that try our patience and faith, and in circumstances that spin out of our control. Our first response to these things is usually to fall on our face and pray that God would change our situations, take away our trials, and remove us from difficult circumstances. In her book, "Lord Change Me", Evelyn Christiansen tells us to pray instead for God to use all these things to change US. She tells us not to ask God "Why me?", but to ask Him, "What for?" in order to discover what He is trying to do in our lives. When we focus on how God is working to transform and mold us, we will be able to rejoice in our difficulties and have peace through our trials, knowing that God is making us more like Christ. ( )
1 vota l_millsaps | Jun 21, 2010 |
Case 14 shelf 2
  semoffat | Aug 31, 2021 |
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To my dear husband, Chris, for wanting God's will for me rather than his own, and for his patience and love during the long hours of producing this book.


To my dear children, Jan, Nancy, and Kurt, who have given to me the privilege of motherhood, without which many of these lessons could never have been learned.
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[Introduction] When I finished the "What Happens When Women Pray" project of the first six months of 1968, I thought it was time to relax.
"Lord, I will never speak again - never - if this is the price my husband has to pay for my being a public speaker."
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HOW TO BECOME THE CHRISTIAN YOU REALLY WANT TO BE Evelyn Christenson writes, "I have discovered through the years that surprising things happen when I pray, 'Lord, change me--don't change my husband, don't change my children, don't change my pastor, change me!, . . . More and more the fact comes into focus that they, and not I, are responsible before God for their actions. But I am responsible for the changes that need to be made in me." Eveyn's fourteen-month spiritual adventure in learning how God changes people became the exciting story of this book. First published in 1977, "Lord, Change Me!" has surpassed one million copies in print and continues to help a new generation of Christian women--and men--experience the spiritual transformation God commands in Romans 12:2. "Lord, Change Me!" outlines seven methods of real, inside-out change as well as ways to check to be sure it is God who is doing the changing. And woven throughout are Evelyn's wonderfully transparent accounts of how God aught her and her loved ones these nuggets of truth. and  

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