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Best Mounted Police Stories di Dick Harrison
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Best Mounted Police Stories (edizione 2004)

di Dick Harrison (A cura di)

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The Mountie always gets his man. He asserts the law not by using violence but by denying it. He is a uniquely Canadian figure in the great stories of the West. Dick Harrison has collected 22 classic adventure stories by Wallace Stegner, Rudy Wiebe, Ken Mitchell, Ralph Connor, and 18 others.
Titolo:Best Mounted Police Stories
Autori:Dick Harrison (A cura di)
Info:University of Alberta Press (2004), Edition: 2nd, 258 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, Read

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Best Mounted Police Stories di Dick Harrison

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Historical Fiction
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This is a collection of stories about the men who served in the Northwest Mounted police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. All are fiction but some are based on real incidents. They are also of varying quality. Most are excerpts from novels by authors such as Rudy Wiebe, Ralph Connor and Wallace Stegner. Many of the stories were written in the late 19th Century and are about living in the northern Canada in severely primitive and cold conditions.

The editor gives sources for the full novel from which the excerpt was taken. ( )
  lamour | Oct 30, 2014 |
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The Mountie always gets his man. He asserts the law not by using violence but by denying it. He is a uniquely Canadian figure in the great stories of the West. Dick Harrison has collected 22 classic adventure stories by Wallace Stegner, Rudy Wiebe, Ken Mitchell, Ralph Connor, and 18 others.

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