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There Is a Bird On Your Head! (Elephant and…
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There Is a Bird On Your Head! (Elephant and Piggie) (originale 2007; edizione 2007)

di Mo Willems

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4,0361183,137 (4.41)12
Gerald the elephant discovers that there is something worse than a bird on your head-- two birds on your head! Piggie will try to help her best friend.
Titolo:There Is a Bird On Your Head! (Elephant and Piggie)
Autori:Mo Willems
Info:Hyperion (2007), Hardcover, 64 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:borrowed, elephants, pigs, birds

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There Is a Bird on Your Head! di Mo Willems (2007)

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There Is a Bird on Your Head! is a humorous picture book that follows the antics of two best friends, Elephant and Piggie. When Piggie notices that a bird has landed on Elephant's head, he becomes increasingly concerned and tries to help his friend get rid of it. However, every attempt to solve the problem only leads to more birds landing on Elephant's head. Through their misadventures, Elephant and Piggie learn the value of friendship, cooperation, and finding humor in unexpected situations.Teachers can lead discussions about friendship, problem-solving, and resilience. this book is best suited for younger grades.
  TravisJ | Apr 24, 2024 |
How is Mo Willems so funny with so few words? It's awesome. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
This book is very cute and easy. It can be a book that can help get children on starting to read longer picture books. It is a book that young children would enjoy reading because of its funny pictures.
  pryckewaert22 | Feb 21, 2023 |
Gold Surface of Award Sticker Peeled Off
  lgiven | Jan 21, 2023 |
Beginning readers familiar with Willems's books will recognize his distinctive humor and illustrative style in these stories. When Piggie receives her first invitation to a party, she asks Gerald to join her and relies on his advice because he "knows" parties in order to prepare for the big event. The elephant, however, has a tendency to overanalyze, so he prepares them both for any contingency a fancy/pool/costume party. Piggie's expressive features show her questions about their attire, but the friends set off bedecked in flippers, masks, top hat, pearl earrings, cowboy hat, and evening dress. Imagine her surprise when they find all the other guests as lavishly overdressed as they are. In the second title, Gerald learns that there are worse things than a bird on your head, namely, two love birds, a nest, and three hatchlings. With the help of Piggie, he is finally able to ask them to move, but, as the final page reveals, they have become her problem. Both books use speech bubbles gray ones for Gerald, pink for Piggie to tell the entire story. This feature is a nice touch that facilitates paired/choral readings. The conversation between the friends flows smoothly and allows beginning readers to practice expression as they read. These appealing titles will tickle the funny bones of children and are sure to become favorites. SLJ" From easy reader and chapter book series to epic fantasies, favorite characters, settings and story lines reemerge in new additions. Young readers will welcome the return of Mo Willems's pessimistic pachyderm and spirited pig. In There Is a Bird on Your Head! Gerald the elephant despairs over a family of birds that nests atop his cranium, while Piggie is delighted. And in I Am Invited to a Party! party expert Gerald helps Piggie prepare for all possibilities, as they get dressed for a fancy party, pool party and costume party-all at the same time. PW" It helps to have a best friend when you run into trouble, whether it's the what-to-wear-to-a-party kind or the wildlife-on-your-head variety. Like the first two entries in this beginning reader series (My Friend Is Sad and Today I Will Fly!, rev. 5/07), each of these books features a simple story told entirely through speech balloons and Willems's emotive pig and elephant characters. The animated illustrations will help new readers decode tone and meaning while the spare dialogue enhances the pictures' slapstick humor. High-spirited Piggie has never been to a party; when she receives her first invitation, neurotic Gerald takes charge of their attire. "I know parties," he claims, but Piggie and young readers may have doubts about that when Gerald insists they dress for "a fancy pool costume party." In the end, Gerald proves to be savvier than he and Piggie look. In the second book, two "love birds" make a nest on Gerald's head. Cause enough for panic, but when their three eggs hatch (in record gestation time), hysteria ensues. Luckily, Piggie has a good head on her shoulders. The minimalism of both the text and the uncluttered pictures focuses readers' attention and moves the stories forward. Party on, Elephant & Piggie! Horn Book"
  MariaDeLosAngeles | Feb 21, 2022 |
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Gerald the elephant discovers that there is something worse than a bird on your head-- two birds on your head! Piggie will try to help her best friend.

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Media: (4.41)
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3 39
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4 93
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