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The Christmas Story (A Little Golden Book)…
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The Christmas Story (A Little Golden Book) (originale 1952; edizione 1994)

di Jane Werner, Eloise Wilkin

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,643411,183 (4.18)7
Retells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, beginning with the visit of an angel to Mary and concluding with the adoration of the wise men.
Titolo:The Christmas Story (A Little Golden Book)
Autori:Jane Werner
Altri autori:Eloise Wilkin
Info:Golden Books (1994), Hardcover, 24 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Jesus, Christmas, Story, Little, Golden Book, 1952, 1980

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The Christmas Story (A Little Golden Book) di Jane Werner (1952)

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Disclaimer: I usually review children's book based more on what my children think of the book and less on what I think of the book...

My children really like this book! ( )
  mcsp | Jan 25, 2021 |
The true Christmas story is told beginning with the angel appearing to Mary, mother of Jesus.
  SABC | Dec 8, 2013 |
Summary: Mary, a Galilean girl, had a wonderful thing that happened to her and we will always remember. An angel came to speak to Mary, and told her the wonderful news. Mary said that it would be her pleasure. Joseph, a Nazareth man, was a carpenter by trade. So Joseph had to return to his father's town to pay taxes. This trip was a long and tiresome trip. When they arrived in Bethlehem, they found no rooms or inns that had a place for them to stay. But an innkeeper saw Marys' need and allowed them to stay in the warm stables. There Mary brought forth a son and she wrapped him in cloth and laid him in the manger. In the same country, an angel that frightened the shepherd appeared in the fields. The angel of the Lord reassured the shepherds, and the sky was filled with angels and they began to sing. When the angels disappeared they followed the angels request and they went to Bethlehem to see this miracle. After some time went by while Jesus was still a baby, three wise men from the East came to Jerusalem. King Herod had a troubled heart and sent the wise men to see this miracle. King Herod wanted to worship him also. When they left they followed the star of the East and the wise men were glad when they arrived. They brought gifts and followed God's order to not return to King Herod, so they went back to their country another way. The child was named Jesus and he lived a strong spiritual and knowledgeable life, along with the grace of God that was upon him.

Personal Beliefs: This book is inspiring and this book should be read to all children who are able to either read or understand the meaning of the story. This is the real and true reason behind Christmas, not just the traditions that we have honored throughout our lifetime.

Extension: This could be read to student who need to know the real reason behind Christmas. This could be taught in a Bible class for younger students. Nowadays, school allow some parts of the story to be told, but there are many who do not like this to be taught at public schools. So it is best to teach outside of the classroom or with the majority of like-minded individuals. ( )
  tallindian2007 | Nov 22, 2008 |
  hcs_admin | Mar 8, 2023 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (10 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Werner, Janeautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Eloise WilkinIllustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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This is Mary, a girl of Galilee.
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Retells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, beginning with the visit of an angel to Mary and concluding with the adoration of the wise men.

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5 13

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