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The Essential Catholic Catechism: A…
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The Essential Catholic Catechism: A Readable, Comprehensive Catechism of the Catholic Faith (edizione 2000)

di Alan Schreck

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Twenty years ago, Dr. Alan Schreck's landmark book The Essential Catholic Catechism, was one of the most prominent books in the New Evangelization"publishing boom, through which many Catholics, both converts and cradle Catholics alike, learned the Faith. TAN is proud to bring this book that has cultivated the hearts and souls of so many back into print. This new edition features an introduction by TAN publisher Conor Gallagher, student and friend of Dr. Schreck at Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is a new edition, but the questions and answers remain for they are perennial ones, that each new generation must ask and answer for themselves. Who is God? How does the Church help me to know God better? What is the connection between faith and reason, between the spiritual life and "real life?" Does it really matter what I believe, so long as I'm a good person? These questions and many others are answered simply and with clarity by the bestselling author Dr. Schreck. This book will give you a basic introduction to the Catholic faith that is both theologically sound and readily understandable. A useful resource for anyone interested in learning more about the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. Keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this catechism also helps readers to understand more fully this important document and its relevance to daily life. An excellent tool for anyone who wants to be able to explain the Catholic faith more clearly. Ideal for religious education instructors, pastors, and RCIA directors.… (altro)
Titolo:The Essential Catholic Catechism: A Readable, Comprehensive Catechism of the Catholic Faith
Autori:Alan Schreck
Info:Charis Books (2000), Paperback
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Essential Catholic Catechism: A Readable, Comprehensive Catechism di Alan Schreck Ph.D.

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Twenty years ago, Dr. Alan Schreck's landmark book The Essential Catholic Catechism, was one of the most prominent books in the New Evangelization"publishing boom, through which many Catholics, both converts and cradle Catholics alike, learned the Faith. TAN is proud to bring this book that has cultivated the hearts and souls of so many back into print. This new edition features an introduction by TAN publisher Conor Gallagher, student and friend of Dr. Schreck at Franciscan University of Steubenville. It is a new edition, but the questions and answers remain for they are perennial ones, that each new generation must ask and answer for themselves. Who is God? How does the Church help me to know God better? What is the connection between faith and reason, between the spiritual life and "real life?" Does it really matter what I believe, so long as I'm a good person? These questions and many others are answered simply and with clarity by the bestselling author Dr. Schreck. This book will give you a basic introduction to the Catholic faith that is both theologically sound and readily understandable. A useful resource for anyone interested in learning more about the basic tenets of the Catholic faith. Keyed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this catechism also helps readers to understand more fully this important document and its relevance to daily life. An excellent tool for anyone who wants to be able to explain the Catholic faith more clearly. Ideal for religious education instructors, pastors, and RCIA directors.

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