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Torno a prenderti (2008)

di Stephen King

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2801397,999 (3.65)10
In the emotional aftermath of her baby's sudden death, Em starts running. Soon she runs from her husband, to the airport, down to the Florida Gulf and out to the loneliest stretch of Vermillion Key, where her father has offered the use of a conch shack he has kept there for years. Em keeps up her running -- barefoot on the beach, sneakers on the road -- and sees virtually no one. This is doing her all kinds of good, until one day she makes the mistake of looking into the driveway of a man named Pickering. Pickering also enjoys the privacy of Vermillion Key, but the young women he brings there suffer the consequences. Will Em be next?… (altro)
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Mare Winningham narrates the audiobook. ( )
  stephanie_M | Apr 30, 2020 |
I really loved this story. It had fantastic momentum and vivid imagery. Had to stop and share with my husband a couple times. I only do this when I really like a book. I hope to re-read this one day. ( )
  Marion_B | Feb 6, 2016 |
It followed the typical formula of a hostage-taking nut-case killer. This type of story can be thrilling when well constructed and has a few plot twists; GingerB G does not have any surprise plot twists.
  buffalogr | Aug 21, 2015 |
Emily escapes to the secluded Vermillion Key off of Florida's coast after the death of her infant child. Her new neighbor also enjoys the privacy of the key, but the women he brings with him never return home. Emily's curiosity leads her right into the hands of the madman, but it's her legs that are her only hope for survival.

Spoiler Alert:
Out for a run after moving into her father's cabin for a bit--she's trying to get the thoughts of her estranged husband and the child they lost out of her head--Emily is curious about the car she sees in her neighbor's drive. The trunk is open, and she'd swear she could see what looks like hair in there. She goes down the driveway, meaning to just take a closer look and then run home to call the police, when instead, she is captured by whoever captured (and killed) the blonde woman in the trunk. Despite the fact that her husband had complained about how much running Emily had been doing lately, it seems that the running has provided her with the one thing could help her get away from this murderous madman. ( )
  trayceebee | Nov 15, 2014 |
  valerieowens | Aug 5, 2011 |
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

In the emotional aftermath of her baby's sudden death, Em starts running. Soon she runs from her husband, to the airport, down to the Florida Gulf and out to the loneliest stretch of Vermillion Key, where her father has offered the use of a conch shack he has kept there for years. Em keeps up her running -- barefoot on the beach, sneakers on the road -- and sees virtually no one. This is doing her all kinds of good, until one day she makes the mistake of looking into the driveway of a man named Pickering. Pickering also enjoys the privacy of Vermillion Key, but the young women he brings there suffer the consequences. Will Em be next?

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