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The Tent di Margaret Atwood
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The Tent (originale 2006; edizione 2007)

di Margaret Atwood

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1,2354116,176 (3.47)84
One of the world's most celebrated authors, Margaret Atwood has penned a collection of smart and entertaining fictional essays, in the genre of her popular books Good Bones and Murder in the Dark, punctuated with wonderful illustrations by the author.--from publisher description.
Titolo:The Tent
Autori:Margaret Atwood
Info:Anchor (2007), Paperback, 176 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Microfiction di Margaret Atwood (2006)

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Found it hard to get into - it's a really short book and each story/"fictional essay" averages about 3-4 pages but I just didn't really get it? Some stories had some good imagery but a lot just left me thinking "what". Almost all of them have a really obvious "point" but often the story itself doesn't really support it well - it just feels messy. Sometimes the imagery just makes no sense at all. The tone is kind of weird - most feel almost like they're lecturing at you and in the way where it's like "ha ha this absurd bad scenario is bad, therefore the opposite is good". It's hard to explain but it feels kind of patronising and the stories are the worse for it. It's not like I disagree with any of her points, but the points seem like mostly stuff hardly anyone would disagree with? There's some stories where the point isn't obvious and the story just... ends on a confusing note. It's probably me being ignorant but I just don't get it at all.

That all sounds pretty negative yet I've rated it 3 stars. I don't think it's *bad*, it's just very few of the stories are entirely good and as a compilation it doesn't really work. There's lots of paragraphs and ideas and concepts that are cool and interesting to read. It just doesn't all flow together to make a great book.

It's worth pointing out multiple of the stories just casually mention rape, which might be pretty unpleasant to read. ( )
  tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
Not usually a huge fan of short story books, but this one was superb. I really liked it, and fell in love with Margaret Atwood. It was clever, witty, sad, funny, and amusing at the same time. I like her writing style and I will definitely read a novel of hers soon, still haven't decided yet. If you have suggestions, leave them in the comments. ( )
  womanwoanswers | Dec 23, 2022 |
Although this volume is supposed to be humorous it bored me. I love Margaret Atwood but this is not her best. ( )
  Marietje.Halbertsma | Jan 9, 2022 |
This is Atwood at her best, reflective, with a touch of acerbic humour, and a little cynical in places. Not actually stories, more like ideas, vignettes, all of them clever and thought-provoking. As expected some sparkled, some merely glowed but there are no duds. It's a slim book yet not to be read in one or two sessions, but rather to be dipped into and savoured in individual bites. I started noting favourites but the list got too long. These were at the top of the list: Encouraging the Young; Gateway; Our Cat Enters Heaven; Chicken Little Goes Too Far; and best of all, The Tent. ( )
  VivienneR | Sep 28, 2019 |
Some of these stories were great, but some of them went right over my head. ( )
  soontobefree | Jun 25, 2019 |
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Listen: the leaves no longer rustle, the wind no longer sighs, our hearts no longer beat. [...] Perhaps it's not the world that is soundless but we who are deaf. ("Something Has Happened")
We want to get there faster. Get where? Wherever we are not. But a human soul can only go as fast as a man can walk, they used to say. In that case, where are all the souls? Left behind. They wander here and there, slowly, dim lights flickering in the marshes at night, looking for us. But they're not nearly fast enough, not for us, we're way ahead of them, they'll never catch up. That's why we can go so fast: our souls don't weigh us down. ("Faster")
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One of the world's most celebrated authors, Margaret Atwood has penned a collection of smart and entertaining fictional essays, in the genre of her popular books Good Bones and Murder in the Dark, punctuated with wonderful illustrations by the author.--from publisher description.

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1 5
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3 78
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4 82
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5 31

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