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Flowers for Things I Don't Know How to…
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Flowers for Things I Don't Know How to Say (edizione 2024)

di Tucker Nichols (Autore)

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This unique gift book is a reminder that whatever someone may be going through, they always deserve flowers. When it's the most difficult to find the right words, we turn to flowers to express our compassion and care. This book is like a bouquet of flowers in book form. Based on Tucker Nichols's celebrated multimedia art project entitled Flowers for Sick People, this book gathers vibrant floral paintings and pairs them with poetic dedications that pay tribute to a kaleidoscope of human experiences, from acts of unsung heroism to mundane moments of everyday beauty: "Flowers for Anyone Currently Eating a Cinnamon Bun in a Hospital Cafeteria," "Flowers for the Last Time You Laughed So Hard It Hurt," "Flowers for Spectacular Failures," and more. Deeply relatable and equal parts heart-wrenching and humorous, this book is a comfort and encouragement in any moment and a salve for the loneliness that can come in life's toughest times. INSPIRING PROJECT: PBS NewsHour spotlighted Tucker Nichols and his art for spreading kindness and connection during the isolating years of the pandemic. After inviting the public to submit names and addresses of their loved ones with illnesses, Nichols created and mailed original flower paintings to hundreds of requesters. This ongoing multimedia project evolved into the larger Flowers for series, which pays tribute to the vast array of moments and experiences that may be easy to overlook. ACCLAIMED ARTIST: Along with his multimedia art and health projects, Tucker Nichols also sculpts and makes art for publication. His work has been published in McSweeney's, The New Yorker, and the op-ed pages of the New York Times and exhibited in hospitals, art centers, and fine art museums across the globe.   MEANINGFUL GIFT BOOK: This beautiful hardcover is like a bouquet of flowers, a caring gift not just in times of sickness, loneliness, and grief but whenever a loved one could use a little support or a thoughtful surprise. Full of colorful artwork and poetic text that speaks to all that we have to be grateful for--even when it's difficult--this book can be gifted in gratitude or sympathy to family and friends or to yourself as an act of self-care. Perfect for: Fans of Tucker Nichols and public art projects like Flowers for Sick People People looking for uplifting encouragement and sympathy gifts Friends and family experiencing chronic illnesses, grief, or depression Anyone who could use some flowers and words of affirmation Minimalist poetry lovers and fans of Rupi Kaur, Yung Pueblo, and Morgan Harper Nichols… (altro)
Titolo:Flowers for Things I Don't Know How to Say
Autori:Tucker Nichols (Autore)
Info:Chronicle Books (2024), 176 pages
Collezioni:Da leggere

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Flowers for Things I Don't Know How to Say di Tucker Nichols

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This unique gift book is a reminder that whatever someone may be going through, they always deserve flowers. When it's the most difficult to find the right words, we turn to flowers to express our compassion and care. This book is like a bouquet of flowers in book form. Based on Tucker Nichols's celebrated multimedia art project entitled Flowers for Sick People, this book gathers vibrant floral paintings and pairs them with poetic dedications that pay tribute to a kaleidoscope of human experiences, from acts of unsung heroism to mundane moments of everyday beauty: "Flowers for Anyone Currently Eating a Cinnamon Bun in a Hospital Cafeteria," "Flowers for the Last Time You Laughed So Hard It Hurt," "Flowers for Spectacular Failures," and more. Deeply relatable and equal parts heart-wrenching and humorous, this book is a comfort and encouragement in any moment and a salve for the loneliness that can come in life's toughest times. INSPIRING PROJECT: PBS NewsHour spotlighted Tucker Nichols and his art for spreading kindness and connection during the isolating years of the pandemic. After inviting the public to submit names and addresses of their loved ones with illnesses, Nichols created and mailed original flower paintings to hundreds of requesters. This ongoing multimedia project evolved into the larger Flowers for series, which pays tribute to the vast array of moments and experiences that may be easy to overlook. ACCLAIMED ARTIST: Along with his multimedia art and health projects, Tucker Nichols also sculpts and makes art for publication. His work has been published in McSweeney's, The New Yorker, and the op-ed pages of the New York Times and exhibited in hospitals, art centers, and fine art museums across the globe.   MEANINGFUL GIFT BOOK: This beautiful hardcover is like a bouquet of flowers, a caring gift not just in times of sickness, loneliness, and grief but whenever a loved one could use a little support or a thoughtful surprise. Full of colorful artwork and poetic text that speaks to all that we have to be grateful for--even when it's difficult--this book can be gifted in gratitude or sympathy to family and friends or to yourself as an act of self-care. Perfect for: Fans of Tucker Nichols and public art projects like Flowers for Sick People People looking for uplifting encouragement and sympathy gifts Friends and family experiencing chronic illnesses, grief, or depression Anyone who could use some flowers and words of affirmation Minimalist poetry lovers and fans of Rupi Kaur, Yung Pueblo, and Morgan Harper Nichols

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