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What You Wish For: A psychological suspense…
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What You Wish For: A psychological suspense thriller (Wicked Ways Collection - Standalone Thrillers) (edizione 2024)

di N.L. Hinkens (Autore)

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Titolo:What You Wish For: A psychological suspense thriller (Wicked Ways Collection - Standalone Thrillers)
Autori:N.L. Hinkens (Autore)
Info:Dunecadia Publishing (2024), 260 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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What You Wish For: A psychological suspense thriller (Wicked Ways Collection - Standalone Thrillers) di N. L. Hinkens

Aggiunto di recente daEmily_Wai_Catan, BettyTaylor56

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Wow! WHAT YOU WISH FOR piques my interest tremendously from Chapter 1, and I am totally drawn into the state of fear, frustration and jeopardy of Sage Golding as the story unfolds with the unforeseen twists and turns! The story is so gripping that it keeps me on the edge of my seat until I reach the end to find out the truth!
N.L. Hinkens has the knack of incorporating adrenaline-driven mystery and suspense into her twisty thrillers that you wouldn’t want to miss if you enjoy psychological thrillers! ( )
  Emily_Wai_Catan | May 22, 2024 |
Check out “What You Wish For” by N.L. Hinkens if you’re into heart-pounding psychological suspense! It’s like a wild rollercoaster ride that’ll keep you hooked till the end.

Meet Sage Golding, dealing with the fallout of her husband’s affair. Her life takes a dark turn when his mistress disappears, dragging Sage into a web of revenge and secrets.

Hinkens nails it with characters you can’t help but root for. Sage’s journey from a struggling mom to a truth-seeking powerhouse is totally gripping. And the side characters, like her troubled daughter Raven and old pal Nikki, add layers of mystery.

The book blends past and present to slowly reveal how everything’s connected. Even if you can guess some twists, the pace keeps you glued.

Bottom line: “What You Wish For” is a thrilling read that hits all the marks. Dive in for a wild ride of secrets, lies, and justice-seeking that’ll keep you flipping pages 'til the end! ( )
  BettyTaylor56 | May 13, 2024 |
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