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Widows on the Wine Path di Julia Jarman
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Widows on the Wine Path (edizione 2024)

di Julia Jarman (Autore)

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'Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahViv, Janet and Zelda know all about facing the wobbly first year of becoming a widow as their friendship was forged when they ran away from the same dreary support group. Forming instead the much more lively widows' wine club - The Muscateers - they welcome new member Libby with open arms.Libby feels lost without Jim, her husband of more than thirty years, but the warmth, friendship and fun the women wrap her up in inspires her to begin to look to the future. When a solo trip to the theatre brings a blast from the past back into her life, things are looking up.But as cravat-wearing, smooth-talking Monty Charles sweeps Libby off her feet, the women of the Muscateers smell a rat. They know only too well that the first year of widowhood is prime for making mistakes, and they're determined to protect their friend. And as Monty soon finds out to his cost, never underestimate a Widow on the Wine Path...Julia Jarman is back with her latest big-hearted tale of love and laughter, friendship and finding your feet. Perfect for all fans of Judy Leigh, Maddie Please and Cathy Kelly.Praise for Julia Jarman: 'Three women meet as they're choosing coffins for their husbands and their stories grow from that day. The result is a book full of humanity, heartache and humour. I loved it!' Adèle Geras'Julia Jarman has an original entertaining style that makes you want to read on.' Katie Fforde'What a brilliant premise for a novel! Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahReaders love Julia Jarman: 'Julia Jarman has a captivating writing style. Her words are funny and wise and kept me turning the pages. This is a book that made me laugh, it put a lump in my throat and most of all gave me hope that I'll still be drinking wine and laughing with my friends for many years to come. A joyous romp of a read.''Jarman's writing combines humor, heartache, and humanity, resulting in an uplifting narrative. The characters' camaraderie and resilience are infectious, reminding us that age is no barrier to pursuing dreams.''I'm not known for being a big reader and have been known to read a book til the last chapter and then not finish as I'm not interested how it ends. This book however was different. Really enjoyed the topic, characters and story lines. Kept me reading til the very end and I'm looking forward to the next one to see what happens to everyone. I thoroughly recommend this book.''Twists and turns on every page. Belly laughs and sadness. A brilliant book. An easy read feel good book that I found hard to put down.'… (altro)
Titolo:Widows on the Wine Path
Autori:Julia Jarman (Autore)
Info:Boldwood Books (2024), 344 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Widows on the Wine Path di Julia Jarman

Aggiunto di recente daEugeneSmith

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'Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahViv, Janet and Zelda know all about facing the wobbly first year of becoming a widow as their friendship was forged when they ran away from the same dreary support group. Forming instead the much more lively widows' wine club - The Muscateers - they welcome new member Libby with open arms.Libby feels lost without Jim, her husband of more than thirty years, but the warmth, friendship and fun the women wrap her up in inspires her to begin to look to the future. When a solo trip to the theatre brings a blast from the past back into her life, things are looking up.But as cravat-wearing, smooth-talking Monty Charles sweeps Libby off her feet, the women of the Muscateers smell a rat. They know only too well that the first year of widowhood is prime for making mistakes, and they're determined to protect their friend. And as Monty soon finds out to his cost, never underestimate a Widow on the Wine Path...Julia Jarman is back with her latest big-hearted tale of love and laughter, friendship and finding your feet. Perfect for all fans of Judy Leigh, Maddie Please and Cathy Kelly.Praise for Julia Jarman: 'Three women meet as they're choosing coffins for their husbands and their stories grow from that day. The result is a book full of humanity, heartache and humour. I loved it!' Adèle Geras'Julia Jarman has an original entertaining style that makes you want to read on.' Katie Fforde'What a brilliant premise for a novel! Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahReaders love Julia Jarman: 'Julia Jarman has a captivating writing style. Her words are funny and wise and kept me turning the pages. This is a book that made me laugh, it put a lump in my throat and most of all gave me hope that I'll still be drinking wine and laughing with my friends for many years to come. A joyous romp of a read.''Jarman's writing combines humor, heartache, and humanity, resulting in an uplifting narrative. The characters' camaraderie and resilience are infectious, reminding us that age is no barrier to pursuing dreams.''I'm not known for being a big reader and have been known to read a book til the last chapter and then not finish as I'm not interested how it ends. This book however was different. Really enjoyed the topic, characters and story lines. Kept me reading til the very end and I'm looking forward to the next one to see what happens to everyone. I thoroughly recommend this book.''Twists and turns on every page. Belly laughs and sadness. A brilliant book. An easy read feel good book that I found hard to put down.'

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