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Secrecy: The American Experience di Daniel…
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Secrecy: The American Experience (edizione 1999)

di Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Autore)

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Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, chairman of the bipartisan Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, here presents an eloquent and fascinating account of the development of secrecy as a mode of regulation in American government since World War I - how it was born, how world events shaped it, how it has adversely affected momentous political decisions and events, and how it has eluded efforts to curtail or end it. Senator Moynihan begins with the intriguing story of the Venona project, the Soviet spy cables intercepted during World War II and decrypted by the U.S. Army - but never passed on to President Truman. The divisive Hiss perjury trial and the McCarthy era of suspicion might have had a far different impact on American society, says Moynihan, if government agencies had not kept secrets from one another as a means of shoring up their power. He discusses the Bay of Pigs, Watergate, the Iran-Contra affair, and, finally, the failure to forecast the collapse of the Soviet Union, suggesting the many of the tragedies resulting from these events could have been averted had the issues been clarified in an open exchange of ideas.… (altro)
Titolo:Secrecy: The American Experience
Autori:Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Autore)
Info:Yale University Press (1999), 272 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:To read, non-fiction, politics

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Secrecy: The American Experience di Daniel Patrick Moynihan

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A strong analytical and historical account of the growing role of secrecy, particularly during and after the Second World War. ( )
  sfj2 | Apr 3, 2024 |
Moynihan's musings on how secrecy has (dangerously) begun overtaking many aspects of government. As appropriate now as ever before. ( )
  JBD1 | Jan 18, 2006 |
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Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, chairman of the bipartisan Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, here presents an eloquent and fascinating account of the development of secrecy as a mode of regulation in American government since World War I - how it was born, how world events shaped it, how it has adversely affected momentous political decisions and events, and how it has eluded efforts to curtail or end it. Senator Moynihan begins with the intriguing story of the Venona project, the Soviet spy cables intercepted during World War II and decrypted by the U.S. Army - but never passed on to President Truman. The divisive Hiss perjury trial and the McCarthy era of suspicion might have had a far different impact on American society, says Moynihan, if government agencies had not kept secrets from one another as a means of shoring up their power. He discusses the Bay of Pigs, Watergate, the Iran-Contra affair, and, finally, the failure to forecast the collapse of the Soviet Union, suggesting the many of the tragedies resulting from these events could have been averted had the issues been clarified in an open exchange of ideas.

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