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Devil of the Deep di Falencia Jean-Francois
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Devil of the Deep (edizione 2023)

di Falencia Jean-Francois (Autore)

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Nnenna Delahaye, a fearsome pirate captain with a particular taste for Fleet ships, lives according to no law except her own until she discovers a most unusual treasure in the belly of her most recent Fleet capture: a young girl. Against her better judgment (and the wishes of her first mate), she takes the girl on as a passenger. When Nnenna learns the girl has an artifact that the Fleet is desperate to get their hands on, she vows to do everything in her power to stop them. Duty and honor have been Lu Ortega's creed since the day he joined the Fleet. Now that he has finally achieved the rank of Captain, he is eager to prove himself worthy of the honor. Lu accepts a mission to retrieve the missing girl and help to bring about the Fleet's great destiny. What begins as a game of cat and mouse over land and sea quickly becomes a race to unlock an ancient secret with divine consequences.… (altro)
Titolo:Devil of the Deep
Autori:Falencia Jean-Francois (Autore)
Info:Connaissance Press (2023), 425 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Physical Copy, Queer, Fantasy, Pirate

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Devil of the Deep di Falencia Jean-Francois

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Nnenna Delahaye, a fearsome pirate captain with a particular taste for Fleet ships, lives according to no law except her own until she discovers a most unusual treasure in the belly of her most recent Fleet capture: a young girl. Against her better judgment (and the wishes of her first mate), she takes the girl on as a passenger. When Nnenna learns the girl has an artifact that the Fleet is desperate to get their hands on, she vows to do everything in her power to stop them. Duty and honor have been Lu Ortega's creed since the day he joined the Fleet. Now that he has finally achieved the rank of Captain, he is eager to prove himself worthy of the honor. Lu accepts a mission to retrieve the missing girl and help to bring about the Fleet's great destiny. What begins as a game of cat and mouse over land and sea quickly becomes a race to unlock an ancient secret with divine consequences.

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