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Curse of the Bane (2005)

di Joseph Delaney

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: The Last Apprentice (02)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1,5865011,740 (3.95)17
Now it's the dark's turn to be afraid The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, deal with the dark. Together they rid the county of witches, ghosts, and boggarts. But now there's some unfinished business to attend to in Priestown. Deep in the catacombs of the cathedral lurks a creature the Spook has never been able to defeat; a force so evil that the whole county is in danger of being corrupted by its powers. The Bane! As Thomas and the Spook prepare for the battle of their lives, it becomes clear that the Bane isn't their only enemy. The Quisitor has arrived, searching for those who meddle with the dark so he can imprison them-or worse. Can Thomas defeat the Bane on his own? Is his friend Alice guilty of witchcraft? And will the Spook be able to escape the Quisitor's clutches?… (altro)
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» Vedi le 17 citazioni

Inglese (48)  Svedese (2)  Spagnolo (1)  Francese (1)  Tutte le lingue (52)
1-5 di 52 (prossimo | mostra tutto)
A great second book in the series. Lots of character development. You learn more about the Spook's past, and also about Tom's mam. The seeds for a much larger story are planted, but this book ends satisfactorily with little to no loose ends. The last chapter also gives us a hint at where the next book is going. Overall, a quick, fun middle grade horror book. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jun 29, 2023 |
Thomas Ward sigue trabajando con el Espectro y ya es todo un experto en cazar brujas, boggarts y espíritus.
Un día ambos se acercan a Priestown, en el centro del Condado, y Thomas se da cuenta de que su jefe está más inquieto de lo normal; allí en lo más profundo de las catacumbas, acecha una criatura a la que el Espectro nunca ha podido derrotar, un ser tan malvado que todo el Condado corre el peligro de quedar bajo su dominio. Se le conoce como "La Pesadilla", y ninguno de los entes malignos a los que Thomas se ha enfrentado puede comparársele.
  Natt90 | Feb 6, 2023 |
The second installment in The Last Apprentice series is a good old fashioned horror story about evil spirits who take over the minds of local priests, witches, and an evil Quisitor who is making it his mission to kill as many women as possible, in the name of ridding the world of witches. This is truly horror, with lots of scary and gruesome scenes. We listened to this on audio, and while I didn't love the voices the actor used for everyone (I found his Alice voice particularly annoying) it helped pass the time on a very long car ride. ( )
  readingjag | Nov 29, 2021 |
The characters and the plot is so dull that I can't be bothered anymore. This is more of a children's book than YA, or a very child friendly YA. If there were good jokes of ij the writing style was better and accentuated the creepy stuff more I would probably like it. Overall, its boring. ( )
  Kat_books | Nov 9, 2021 |
I was happy reading this book. I was impressed with the plot. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book for the third time. I find it surprising it's marketed for kids but w/e.

I also listen to it on audiobook and I loved the Bane's voice as done by the narrator. RIP

Q: I am reading "The Old Gods" section pg. 53 and you are saying how The Bane looks like a goat why did you make The Bane look like a goat?
A: The Bane does not usually look like a goat! Did you read the section in the Bestiary carefully and look at the illustrations (page 56)? The Bane is a shape-shifter; it sometimes looks like a dragon or a gargoyle above a church door. It also takes on the form of a large dog. So it has many shapes. It could appear as a goat if it wished! ( )
  Corinne2020 | Aug 22, 2021 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (9 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Joseph Delaneyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Arrasmith, PatrickIllustratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Welch, Christopher EvanNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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When I heard the first scream, I turned away and covered my ears with my hands, pressing hard until my head hurt.
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This book has alternate titles:
The Spooks Curse
Curse of the Bane
Both are considered the second book of the The Last Apprentice series
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DDC/MDS Canonico
LCC canonico
Now it's the dark's turn to be afraid The Spook and his apprentice, Thomas Ward, deal with the dark. Together they rid the county of witches, ghosts, and boggarts. But now there's some unfinished business to attend to in Priestown. Deep in the catacombs of the cathedral lurks a creature the Spook has never been able to defeat; a force so evil that the whole county is in danger of being corrupted by its powers. The Bane! As Thomas and the Spook prepare for the battle of their lives, it becomes clear that the Bane isn't their only enemy. The Quisitor has arrived, searching for those who meddle with the dark so he can imprison them-or worse. Can Thomas defeat the Bane on his own? Is his friend Alice guilty of witchcraft? And will the Spook be able to escape the Quisitor's clutches?

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Media: (3.95)
1 2
1.5 1
2 17
2.5 2
3 79
3.5 22
4 173
4.5 18
5 104

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