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Her Greatest Mistake di unknown author
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Her Greatest Mistake

di unknown author (Autore)

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"I'm the face of the NHL. The golden boy with quick hands and a million-dollar smile that the fans adore. My contract is up at the end of the season, and with playoffs starting, I have to be on my best behaviour. Keep my head down and respect the press when they shove their microphones beneath my nose. This isn't my first rodeo, so it should be easy. Right? No. Not this time. One bad call and I'm the poster boy for poor decisions. I haven't seen my childhood best friend since the day her father betrayed me and she broke my heart. Now, eight years later, she's back. And she's my fake girlfriend for the next two months. Some wounds never heal, and the moment I see Braxton Heights, I know mine have not. But she's the only shot I have at saving my reputation and securing my new deal, and while I might have lost her all those years ago, I refuse to lose hockey. I just hope I'm strong enough not to fall for her all over again in the process." - Publisher description.… (altro)
Titolo:Her Greatest Mistake
Autori:unknown author (Autore)
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Her Greatest Mistake di Unknown Author

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"I'm the face of the NHL. The golden boy with quick hands and a million-dollar smile that the fans adore. My contract is up at the end of the season, and with playoffs starting, I have to be on my best behaviour. Keep my head down and respect the press when they shove their microphones beneath my nose. This isn't my first rodeo, so it should be easy. Right? No. Not this time. One bad call and I'm the poster boy for poor decisions. I haven't seen my childhood best friend since the day her father betrayed me and she broke my heart. Now, eight years later, she's back. And she's my fake girlfriend for the next two months. Some wounds never heal, and the moment I see Braxton Heights, I know mine have not. But she's the only shot I have at saving my reputation and securing my new deal, and while I might have lost her all those years ago, I refuse to lose hockey. I just hope I'm strong enough not to fall for her all over again in the process." - Publisher description.

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