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The Greatest Manifestation Book (is the one written by you)

di Vex King

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Unlock your inner power, create positive change, and bring about the life you truly desire with this powerful six-month daily journal from Vex King, the bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and his wife, social media star Kaushal. From the authors of The Greatest Self-Help Book comes a powerful daily journal that will transform your life. This journal will help you to understand what manifestation is, how to set intentions and goals, overcome limiting beliefs, practise daily gratitude, and ultimately, to lead the life you've always dreamed of. Each day, you will have the opportunity to speak aloud a powerful affirmation, dig deep with a gratitude prompt, rewrite your 'manifesto', work on negative thought patterns that might be holding you back, develop self-awareness of your thoughts and emotions and engage with some interactive activities to aid your journey. A journal like no other, you can expect to find: - Manifestation-led activities, exercises, and hacks - Visualization, self-care, and positive talk check-ins - Daily affirmations, prompts, and gratitude-led questions - 30-day check-ins to track personal growth and self-reflect Isn't it time you let go of self-doubt, filled your heart with gratitude and cultivated the life you deserve?… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dacheongmaisie, billzx
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Unlock your inner power, create positive change, and bring about the life you truly desire with this powerful six-month daily journal from Vex King, the bestselling author of Good Vibes, Good Life, and his wife, social media star Kaushal. From the authors of The Greatest Self-Help Book comes a powerful daily journal that will transform your life. This journal will help you to understand what manifestation is, how to set intentions and goals, overcome limiting beliefs, practise daily gratitude, and ultimately, to lead the life you've always dreamed of. Each day, you will have the opportunity to speak aloud a powerful affirmation, dig deep with a gratitude prompt, rewrite your 'manifesto', work on negative thought patterns that might be holding you back, develop self-awareness of your thoughts and emotions and engage with some interactive activities to aid your journey. A journal like no other, you can expect to find: - Manifestation-led activities, exercises, and hacks - Visualization, self-care, and positive talk check-ins - Daily affirmations, prompts, and gratitude-led questions - 30-day check-ins to track personal growth and self-reflect Isn't it time you let go of self-doubt, filled your heart with gratitude and cultivated the life you deserve?

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