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The Five Year Lie: A Domestic Thriller di…
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The Five Year Lie: A Domestic Thriller (edizione 2024)

di Sarina Bowen (Autore)

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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"I devoured this book in one day, and I guarantee you will too."—Julie Clark, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Flight and The Lies I Tell

"An expertly woven story of love, revenge, and murder. In a world where so many books feel so similarthis was a refreshingly unique read and an addictive blend of love and mystery that I couldn't put down. This is storytelling at its finest and I can't recommend this book enough."—AR Torre, New York Times bestselling author of Every Last Secret

Bestselling romance author Sarina Bowen's debut thriller, about one woman's search for the truth after receiving a text from her deceased ex.

She thought it was love. Then he vanished.

On an ordinary Monday morning, Ariel Cafferty's phone buzzes with a disturbing text message. Something's happened. I need to see you. Meet me under the candelabra tree ASAP. The words would be jarring from anyone, but the sender is the only man she ever loved. And it's been several years since she learned he died.

Seeing Drew's name pop up is heart-stopping. Ariel's gut says it can't be real. But she goes to the tree anyway. She has to.

Nobody shows. But the text upends everything she thought she knew about the day he left her. The more questions she asks, the more sinister the answers get. Only two things are clear: everything she was told five years ago is wrong, and someone is still lying to her.

The truth has to be out there somewhere. To safeguard herself—and her son—she'll have to find it before it finds her. And with it, the answer to what became of Drew.

For fans of Laura Dave and Julie Clark, but with a heart-stopping romance that only Sarina Bowen can execute, The Five Year Lie is a spine-tingling thriller that will have you guessing until the very end.

… (altro)
Titolo:The Five Year Lie: A Domestic Thriller
Autori:Sarina Bowen (Autore)
Info:Harper Paperbacks (2024), 434 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Five Year Lie: A Domestic Thriller di Sarina Bowen

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I enjoyed this book but got bogged down a bit in the middle with too much computer speak for me. I really enjoyed the ending. ( )
  mchwest | Sep 10, 2024 |
This book is more of a romantic suspense than a domestic thriller.

Set against the backdrop of Portland, Maine, this novel intertwines elements of romantic suspense with tech-driven intrigue. It’s a story surrounding corporate espionage, cybersecurity threats, and police corruption.

Although the plot felt somewhat slow and predictable to me, the concept of a tech-centric suspense was both innovative and frighteningly realistic. However, the characters’ actions especially toward the end felt a bit over-the-top.

The highlight of the book for me was the portrayal of Ariel’s relationship with her son. The author captures Ariel’s commitment to being a good mother and her frantic efforts to keep her son safe as the stakes rise. Yet, the lack of genuine danger to Ariel’s safety kept the book from being a true thriller in my opinion.

If you're a fan of romantic suspense with a tech twist and prefer violence that isn't too graphic, this novel is a good choice.

Content Warning
Brief mention or description of: suicide, drug overdose, stalking, bullying, domestic abuse, emotional and sexual abuse. ( )
  nadia.masood | Jun 7, 2024 |
A text from Drew?

How could that be - he left and has passed away.

April and Drew worked at a doorbell camera company, fell in love, she became pregnant, and then Drew disappeared.

THE FIVE YEAR LIE has the reader following April and Drew when they were together and then only April after the five years of her being alone and now wondering just who Drew really was.

April finds out a lot about Drew that she didn’t really want to know and things she didn’t want to know about her family’s doorbell company.

Computer geeks and mystery fans will enjoy this book even though it’s a bit frightening what can be found and hacked.

Lots of secrets, illegal transactions, shady characters, and a few unrealistic but good things that do happen.

This was my first book by this author, and I truly enjoyed it. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ( )
  SilversReviews | May 13, 2024 |
The Five Year Lie is the newest domestic thriller from Sarina Bowen.

Five years ago, Ariel fell in love with Drew, an Army veteran who worked as a programmer in her family's doorbell camera company. They had a wonderful summer, then one day he was just gone, with no word or warning. When she finds his obituary online, she knows that he'll never be coming back. She receives a text from him five years later, she can't help but go and see if he shows up. Of course he doesn't, because dead men don't text or walk around, but it opens a wound for her and she starts digging into him and his life, along with Zain, who had worked with Drew. They find out he's not who he said he was, and he had found something not quite right in the Chime Co. network. After they get too close to what's going on, things get very heated and dangerous.

Told from Ariel's point of view in the present, and unknown narrator(s) in the past, this was a page-turning mystery of lies, secrets, and revenge. Ariel is trying her best to build a good life, and she just wants the truth about who the love of her life was. Zain was a little suspicious, but in general a good guy willing to get his hands dirty. There were likeable characters and characters who were just the worst, but it wouldn't be a great mystery is everyone was a great person.

All in all, a gripping thriller with romance, revenge, family, and secrets. If you enjoy a female main character who isn't afraid to stir the pot, then definitely give this one a shot. For lovers of mystery and suspense who enjoy Riley Sager or Christina Dodd novels.

Thank you to @NetGalley and @HarperPerennial for a digital copy for review consideration. All opinions are honest and my own. ( )
  SassyCassi | May 10, 2024 |
The Five Year Lie is Sarina Bowen's new novel.
Bowen's previous books are romantic fiction. But, with this new book, suspense takes the driver's seat. The romance is still a big part of the plot, but in a supporting role - not overpowering the suspense.

Ariel had a whirlwind affair with Drew - but he left her without a goodbye. That was five years ago, and she still doesn't know why. But a computer glitch sends her on a last chance hunt to find answers. And what she finds is frighteningly real. I'm not going to spoil what that is, but I'm sure it's already in place somewhere.

I liked Ariel as a lead character. She's the antithesis of her family, living life on her terms. Bowen gives us some chapters from the past - from those chapters we come to know Drew through Ariel's eyes. There one clear cut 'bad' player, and a few others that I couldn't quite decide on.

Bowen does a good job with the plotting of The Five Year Lie. Again, the catalyst for the plot is quite believable. (If you're like me, you might ask yourself...) The action ramps up as the final pages turn. And the ending? Just right!

The Five Year Lie would be perfect for a beach bag this summer. See for yourself - read an excerpt of The Five Year Lie. ( )
  Twink | May 7, 2024 |
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"I devoured this book in one day, and I guarantee you will too."—Julie Clark, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Flight and The Lies I Tell

"An expertly woven story of love, revenge, and murder. In a world where so many books feel so similarthis was a refreshingly unique read and an addictive blend of love and mystery that I couldn't put down. This is storytelling at its finest and I can't recommend this book enough."—AR Torre, New York Times bestselling author of Every Last Secret

Bestselling romance author Sarina Bowen's debut thriller, about one woman's search for the truth after receiving a text from her deceased ex.

She thought it was love. Then he vanished.

On an ordinary Monday morning, Ariel Cafferty's phone buzzes with a disturbing text message. Something's happened. I need to see you. Meet me under the candelabra tree ASAP. The words would be jarring from anyone, but the sender is the only man she ever loved. And it's been several years since she learned he died.

Seeing Drew's name pop up is heart-stopping. Ariel's gut says it can't be real. But she goes to the tree anyway. She has to.

Nobody shows. But the text upends everything she thought she knew about the day he left her. The more questions she asks, the more sinister the answers get. Only two things are clear: everything she was told five years ago is wrong, and someone is still lying to her.

The truth has to be out there somewhere. To safeguard herself—and her son—she'll have to find it before it finds her. And with it, the answer to what became of Drew.

For fans of Laura Dave and Julie Clark, but with a heart-stopping romance that only Sarina Bowen can execute, The Five Year Lie is a spine-tingling thriller that will have you guessing until the very end.


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