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Napoleon Hill My Mentor: Timeless Principles to Take Your Success to The Next Level

di Don Green

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Napoleon Hill, born in the Appalachian town of Pound, Virginia, is best known for his world-renowned best seller, Think and Grow Rich. Among the ten top selling self-help books of all time, it contains many of the success secrets he learned as a result of a commission from Andrew Carnegie to write the world's first philosophy of success. Don Green, the son of a coal miner, was also born in Appalachia. Having an entrepreneurial streak. he had many business successes. At forty-one he became the CEO of a bank on the verge of collapse. Running it at a profit for the next eighteen years, he was 60 when it was sold and Don became the executive director. of The Napoleon Hill Foundation and took it to a new level of success. Don succeeded by applying the principles that his mentor Napoleon Hill taught. In this book, you'll develop a deeper understanding of both of these outstanding individuals and learn: The principles of success that made Hill famous Don's personal knowledge of Hill, including stories and insights that haven't been published before The principles behind Think and Grow Rich and why they're relevant today How to put the power of Napoleon Hill to work for youTools to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power and achievement inside you Get ready to apply Hill's time-tested tools for success and make your dreams a reality.… (altro)
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Napoleon Hill, born in the Appalachian town of Pound, Virginia, is best known for his world-renowned best seller, Think and Grow Rich. Among the ten top selling self-help books of all time, it contains many of the success secrets he learned as a result of a commission from Andrew Carnegie to write the world's first philosophy of success. Don Green, the son of a coal miner, was also born in Appalachia. Having an entrepreneurial streak. he had many business successes. At forty-one he became the CEO of a bank on the verge of collapse. Running it at a profit for the next eighteen years, he was 60 when it was sold and Don became the executive director. of The Napoleon Hill Foundation and took it to a new level of success. Don succeeded by applying the principles that his mentor Napoleon Hill taught. In this book, you'll develop a deeper understanding of both of these outstanding individuals and learn: The principles of success that made Hill famous Don's personal knowledge of Hill, including stories and insights that haven't been published before The principles behind Think and Grow Rich and why they're relevant today How to put the power of Napoleon Hill to work for youTools to uncover the secrets of growth, creativity, power and achievement inside you Get ready to apply Hill's time-tested tools for success and make your dreams a reality.

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