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These Tangled Threads: A Novel of Biltmore…
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These Tangled Threads: A Novel of Biltmore (edizione 2024)

di Sarah Loudin Thomas (Autore)

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4420591,026 (4.23)Nessuno
"When a betrayal tears apart three young friends living in the shadow of Biltmore Estate, their friendship may be fractured forever. Years later, one of them risks exposure as a fraud unless she can mend the relationships and solicit help to create an original woven design for Cornelia Vanderbilt's 1924 wedding"--… (altro)
Titolo:These Tangled Threads: A Novel of Biltmore
Autori:Sarah Loudin Thomas (Autore)
Info:Bethany House Publishers (2024), 368 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:Fiction, Historical Fiction, Review Copy, Inspirational Fiction

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These Tangled Threads di Sarah Loudin Thomas

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Received from LibraryThing Early Reviewers. Inadvertently requested this since I didn't notice it was an eBook. Have received the link but will probably never read due to the format. Perhaps Early Reviewers can gift it to someone else?
  belleek | Jul 18, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
This story, set in and around the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina, fascinated me just because of the historical significance. But the characters & setting display such cultural richness that I immediately loved immersing myself in them. It was a little bit complicated switching between the timelines simply because there wasn’t as much time between them as one might normally see in a classic split time format, but rather it was more like pulling back the curtain to peek into the recent past to see how deeply it affected the present. The art form of weaving was such a delight, and I loved learning about it from Lorna‘s perspective. Perhaps it’s a reminder to cherish friendship, to be true to oneself, and to trust in the journey. I received an advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a positive review. ( )
  terirose22 | Jun 27, 2024 |
Sluggish. Alternating chapters among the three main characters’ points of view and bouncing back and forth in time feels contrived. ( )
  Bonnie_Bailey | Jun 25, 2024 |
I know that whenever I pick up a book by Sarah Loudin Thomas I'm going to be pulled into a story crafted with unique characters, engaging storylines, and amazing settings. THESE TANGLED THREADS weaves an incredible story of regret, redemption, forgiveness, and love. We meet all three main characters, Lorna - a master weaver, Gentry - an apprentice weaver, and Arthur - a master woodworker. The story begins in 1897, but most of the action seems to take place between 1915 and 1924 with the Biltmore Estate as a backdrop. All three seem to be dealing with a sense of imposter syndrome to some extent. Arthur worries about ever finding long-lasting love due to a physical disability. Lorna no longer seems to have the capacity to come up with novel designs that appeal to the powers that be (or did she ever have that capacity?!). Gentry struggles with everything, her sense of identity, place, and what she wants to do with her life (not so amazing when we consider that she's only fourteen when we meet her). THESE TANGLED THREADS was simply a story that kept me turning the pages to find out what might happen next for these three.

Thank you, Ms. Thomas and Bethany House Publishers for my complimentary print copy of THESE TANGLED THREADS. I'll be grabbing a digital copy of this one for my digital library as well as an additional print copy for my 89-y.o. book diva mother. #recommendedread #historicalfiction #inspirationalfiction ( )
  BookDivasReads | May 23, 2024 |
If you enjoy stories that are set in the Biltmore Estate then you don't want to miss out on this one. The author has delved into the history of those who lived and worked there. It truly captivates you with all the details she provides not only about the workforce but also regarding the Vanderbilts, especially the favored daughter Cornelia.

This is a slower paced story and the timeline does move back and forth without much notice so its a bit hard to decipher but stick with it and I promise you will enjoy it. It did take me a while to get into it but once I did I was a bit hooked. The characters are full of depth and are also very flawed. Some will take some time to truly love but once you do, you will enthralled with them.

Lorna goes through some hard lessons but she does learn throughout the story and with that we see her grow in faith and in turn we see God's forgiveness, restoration and hope. God's timing is truly perfect.

Overall I enjoyed the story and if you enjoy historical fiction you will enjoy this one as well!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. ( )
  thedeffenbaughs6 | May 23, 2024 |
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"When a betrayal tears apart three young friends living in the shadow of Biltmore Estate, their friendship may be fractured forever. Years later, one of them risks exposure as a fraud unless she can mend the relationships and solicit help to create an original woven design for Cornelia Vanderbilt's 1924 wedding"--

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Il libro di Sarah Loudin Thomas These Tangled Threads è stato disponibile in LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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