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Watch Your Mouth

di Kandi Steiner

Serie: Kings of the Ice (2)

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29Nessuno839,074 (4)Nessuno
My brother's teammates know not to touch me - but that doesn't stop me from daring Jaxson Brittain to be the first to break the rule.After one steamy night in Austin, I'm all too aware of the hot, broody defenseman with icy blue eyes and ink sprawling his muscular arms. He was the one my brother assigned to keep me safe - and I had far too much fun tempting him to be the one to put me in danger.It was just one night of tip-toeing the line, of teasing and flirting and messing around knowing nothing would ever come of it.But when the universe throws me back into his lap two weeks later and we end up on a secret road trip together, all bets are off.I can't help but touch him. I can't help but pray for him to touch me. And I can't resist the temptation to test him at every turn.Jaxson is smart and doesn't have a death wish. So, like a gentleman, he keeps his hands to himself¿ the jerk.But the closer we get on the road and the farther we get from reality, the less those warning signs from my brother seem to deter him.When we started this road trip, we set a boundary. We promised to keep all arms and legs safely in the friend zone.Now, miles and miles away from all the reasons we shouldn't, all I can hear is my heart thumping out the resounding reason we should.And the way those heated blue eyes watch me, I know I'm not the only one.… (altro)
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My brother's teammates know not to touch me - but that doesn't stop me from daring Jaxson Brittain to be the first to break the rule.After one steamy night in Austin, I'm all too aware of the hot, broody defenseman with icy blue eyes and ink sprawling his muscular arms. He was the one my brother assigned to keep me safe - and I had far too much fun tempting him to be the one to put me in danger.It was just one night of tip-toeing the line, of teasing and flirting and messing around knowing nothing would ever come of it.But when the universe throws me back into his lap two weeks later and we end up on a secret road trip together, all bets are off.I can't help but touch him. I can't help but pray for him to touch me. And I can't resist the temptation to test him at every turn.Jaxson is smart and doesn't have a death wish. So, like a gentleman, he keeps his hands to himself¿ the jerk.But the closer we get on the road and the farther we get from reality, the less those warning signs from my brother seem to deter him.When we started this road trip, we set a boundary. We promised to keep all arms and legs safely in the friend zone.Now, miles and miles away from all the reasons we shouldn't, all I can hear is my heart thumping out the resounding reason we should.And the way those heated blue eyes watch me, I know I'm not the only one.

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