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The Husbands: A Novel di Holly Gramazio
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The Husbands: A Novel (edizione 2024)

di Holly Gramazio (Autore)

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3861767,555 (3.81)5
When Lauren returns home to her flat in London late one night, she is greeted at the door by her husband, Michael. There's only one problem--she's not married. She's never seen this man before in her life. But according to her friends, her much-improved decor, and the photos on her phone, they've been together for years. As Lauren tries to puzzle out how she could be married to someone she can't remember meeting, Michael goes to the attic to change a lightbulb and abruptly disappears. In his place, a new man emerges, and a new, slightly altered life re-forms around her. Realizing that her attic is creating an infinite supply of husbands, Lauren confronts the question: If swapping lives is as easy as changing a lightbulb, how do you know you've taken the right path? When do you stop trying to do better and start actually living?… (altro)
Titolo:The Husbands: A Novel
Autori:Holly Gramazio (Autore)
Info:Doubleday (2024), 352 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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The Husbands di Holly Gramazio

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This was fun. How she came up with SOOOOO many different descriptions of husbands with SO many occupations, characteristics, descriptions....very, very clever. Quite a different sort of "time travel" book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. ( )
  nyiper | Jul 15, 2024 |
What a fun read! It was really funny and entertaining. I took it for what it was. It was not earth shattering in any way, but a book that can make me laugh. Again, I could also relate to it being single. And when she first comes home and there's a "husband" in her house and how she confused she is. I would've been the same. And the cycle of husbands that every time they go in the attic, a different one comes down. Just a funny concept. I did have to look up the ending since I read this a few months ago. And she burned down the house before she could meet the new husband that came down, so she could stop the cycle. She did eventually go meet him and that's how it ends. I think they have a sweet moment together. But some of the husbands were assholes, so I feel like I'd want a quick look before burning it down site unseen. But it was fun how things changed constantly from husband to husband and how her family always knew her husbands. And the one guy she met that he was doing the same thing. That was a fun twist! Just a general fun and entertaining read! I would own this book if I came across it. I gave it four stars because I think at one point, I was like, OK...enough with the switching. ( )
  Mav-n-Libby | Jul 3, 2024 |
Lauren comes home from a night out to find her flat not quite as she remembered it and her husband waiting for her—only as far as she's aware, she's single. It turns out that every time her husband climbs up into the attic, a new one descends, and Lauren is dumped into a slightly new version of her life.

Holly Gramazio does a great job of taking a wacky, Groundhog Day/Choose Your Own Adventure-esque premise and thinking through the consequences and the emotions of it, all while maintaining a lightness of touch. Lauren doesn't always make the best or most likeable choices, but I found her actions—dropped as she is into an inexplicable marital merry-go-round—to be believable and human. There were a couple of points in the last quarter to third of the book where the zippy pace dipped a little, and where there were some storytelling avenues not taken, but overall I really enjoyed this—one of the most compulsive page-turning reads I've had in a while. ( )
  siriaeve | Jun 29, 2024 |
Not sure about this book. What was the point. Multiple husbands coming through the attic. ( )
  shazjhb | Jun 24, 2024 |
An unending mystery vending machine of husbands - which one do you lock in?

Could this have been edited down? Yes. But I still had an easy entertaining time. What I learned from this is that whatever the “method”’ dating is exhausting and confusing AF. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Jun 20, 2024 |
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The man is tall and has dark touseled hair, and when she gets back quite late from Elena's hen do, she finds him waiting on the landing at the top of the stairs.
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When Lauren returns home to her flat in London late one night, she is greeted at the door by her husband, Michael. There's only one problem--she's not married. She's never seen this man before in her life. But according to her friends, her much-improved decor, and the photos on her phone, they've been together for years. As Lauren tries to puzzle out how she could be married to someone she can't remember meeting, Michael goes to the attic to change a lightbulb and abruptly disappears. In his place, a new man emerges, and a new, slightly altered life re-forms around her. Realizing that her attic is creating an infinite supply of husbands, Lauren confronts the question: If swapping lives is as easy as changing a lightbulb, how do you know you've taken the right path? When do you stop trying to do better and start actually living?

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