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Stillwater di Darcie Friesen Hossack
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Stillwater (edizione 2023)

di Darcie Friesen Hossack (Autore)

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215,374,088 (4.5)4
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

When Lizzy is forced to move to the Adventist commune of Stillwater, she is sure the end times have begun. She's not wrong.

Sixteen-year-old Lizzy is trapped, caught between her passion for science and the teachings of her Seventh-day Adventist father and Mennonite mother. But she isn't the only one with problems: her mother, Marie, is increasingly reliant on prescription medication to recover from a car accident that might â?? or might not â?? have been deliberately caused by her husband, Daniel.

In a bid to regain his social standing and self-esteem, Daniel moves the family to an Adventist commune in BC's Okanagan Valley, where Lizzy meets another recent arrival with secrets of his own. He helps her establish a clandestine connection to the outside world that she hopes will help her curb her tongue and retain her sanity long enough to finish high school, but her plans change when her younger brother, Zach, is threatened. Lizzy and Zach flee to Marie's childhood home with their reluctant mother in tow. When her father arrives to take his family back to Stillwater, old resentments collide with new, forcing everyone to face a day of judgement… (altro)

Autori:Darcie Friesen Hossack (Autore)
Info:Tidewater Press (2023), 296 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca
Etichette:fiction, Canadian, Seventh Day Adventists, family life, religion

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Stillwater di Darcie Friesen Hossack

Aggiunto di recente davancouverdeb, kellyy
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I read Mennonites Don't Dance by the same author some years ago, and loved it, so I was delighted to discover that she has a new novel out.

Lizzy and Zach are the two children of Daniel and Marie. Daniel is a Seventh Day Adventist adherent, and Marie has converted from her Mennonite faith. The family lives in Kelowna, but as Covid comes into society, Daniel believes this is the time to a SDA commune elsewhere in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. Daniel is opposed to vaccines and masks. He is fairly rigid and angry man. Meanwhile daughter Lizzy is very interested in pursuing an education in the Sciences.

Eventually Daniel convinces / forces his family to move to the strict SDA commune, Stillwater. Lizzy is the most unhappy, struggling with the rigid rules, the fact that she cannot continue any further education. A new threat causes Lizzy to escape Sillwater, with her brother and mother.

Tense, fascinating, and heartrending, this was an excellent read. ( )
  vancouverdeb | Sep 5, 2024 |
Darcy Friesen Hossack’s debut novel, Stillwater, plays on her own Mennonite and Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) background. The main character, Lizzy, a teenage girl with aspirations of a medical career, is forced to move with her family to the Okanagan commune of Stillwater by her Adventist father Daniel. Lizzy’s mother, Marie, who grew up Mennonite, is dominated by her husband. This family is not happy....Hossack (Mennonites Don’t Dance) does an excellent job of incorporating information about the religious beliefs and numerous restrictions of the commune. ... Stillwater is a difficult read because of all the suffering, but it’s also hard to put down because of its exposure to a world many people have never seen.
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

When Lizzy is forced to move to the Adventist commune of Stillwater, she is sure the end times have begun. She's not wrong.

Sixteen-year-old Lizzy is trapped, caught between her passion for science and the teachings of her Seventh-day Adventist father and Mennonite mother. But she isn't the only one with problems: her mother, Marie, is increasingly reliant on prescription medication to recover from a car accident that might â?? or might not â?? have been deliberately caused by her husband, Daniel.

In a bid to regain his social standing and self-esteem, Daniel moves the family to an Adventist commune in BC's Okanagan Valley, where Lizzy meets another recent arrival with secrets of his own. He helps her establish a clandestine connection to the outside world that she hopes will help her curb her tongue and retain her sanity long enough to finish high school, but her plans change when her younger brother, Zach, is threatened. Lizzy and Zach flee to Marie's childhood home with their reluctant mother in tow. When her father arrives to take his family back to Stillwater, old resentments collide with new, forcing everyone to face a day of judgement

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