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A Cop's Life: True Stories from the Heart Behind the Badge

di Randy Sutton

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31Nessuno794,027 (3.67)Nessuno
A COP'S LIFE... is about a midnight call that brings you to a grandmother battered to death in her bed while three punks go running and laughing through the night.... A COP'S LIFE... is about the man in the Ninja outfit who absorbs a full magazine of hollowpoint bullets and still raises his gun to kill you... A COP'S LIFE... is about the honor student, the pride and hope of his family, hanging from a speaker wire, or the baby who dies in your arms, or the people who think you're a hero--or the devil... In this powerful collection of tales from the frontlines, Las Vegas police sergeant Randy Sutton goes beyond the neon into the dark corners of society, putting us into the driver's seat of his cruiser and a job that ricochets from moments of sheer terror to coffee-fueled boredom--with stops on the way at every conceivable act of human folly and depravity. With a poet's touch, and the unflinching realism of a crime scene photograph, A COP'S LIFE is the ultimate depiction of the hardest job there is. "Brilliantly evokes the tormented inner life of the average cop." --Publishers Weekly (starred review) "A compelling, sometimes wrenching, always insightful read that takes us into the soul of a working cop." --John Lescroart,New York Times bestselling author ofThe Second Chair andThe Motive… (altro)
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A COP'S LIFE... is about a midnight call that brings you to a grandmother battered to death in her bed while three punks go running and laughing through the night.... A COP'S LIFE... is about the man in the Ninja outfit who absorbs a full magazine of hollowpoint bullets and still raises his gun to kill you... A COP'S LIFE... is about the honor student, the pride and hope of his family, hanging from a speaker wire, or the baby who dies in your arms, or the people who think you're a hero--or the devil... In this powerful collection of tales from the frontlines, Las Vegas police sergeant Randy Sutton goes beyond the neon into the dark corners of society, putting us into the driver's seat of his cruiser and a job that ricochets from moments of sheer terror to coffee-fueled boredom--with stops on the way at every conceivable act of human folly and depravity. With a poet's touch, and the unflinching realism of a crime scene photograph, A COP'S LIFE is the ultimate depiction of the hardest job there is. "Brilliantly evokes the tormented inner life of the average cop." --Publishers Weekly (starred review) "A compelling, sometimes wrenching, always insightful read that takes us into the soul of a working cop." --John Lescroart,New York Times bestselling author ofThe Second Chair andThe Motive

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